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  1. #381
    Dream Newbie

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    Disneylover I'm sorry the results aren't what you wanted. I agree that you're probably still in shock at the moment as you thought you were having a girl. Is there a chance the results could be wrong?

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  2. #382
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    Shock is the wrong word. Hopeless pit of despair is probably better. I suppose there is a small chance they could be wrong. But when I try to google sneak peek clinical wrong I have only found like TWO stories. I feel it's pretty naive to put myself in that category that I could be like those two people. Yea I will wait until the NIPT I guess but I really don't want to get my hopes up thinking it's wrong then be shattered all over again.

  3. #383
    polaris.kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disneylover View Post
    Shock is the wrong word. Hopeless pit of despair is probably better. I suppose there is a small chance they could be wrong. But when I try to google sneak peek clinical wrong I have only found like TWO stories. I feel it's pretty naive to put myself in that category that I could be like those two people. Yea I will wait until the NIPT I guess but I really don't want to get my hopes up thinking it's wrong then be shattered all over again.
    I am so sorry disneylover. I wish I had the magic words to help you and everyone of us with gender disappointment feel better. Just know we are here to support you as a community i wish you nothing but healing as time passes and you can always vent to me

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  4. #384
    Dream Vet
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    I’m sorry for your deep disappointment Disneylover. I know it doesn’t help to tell you how much you’ll adore having brothers. Give yourself time to grieve.

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    praying and swaying

  5. #385
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    Thanks for the support everyone. I feel fine right now. Because im really good at disassociating. I'm not too sure what that means. Like if everything's okay, or maybe it really isn't a boy. I have no idea. It feels separate from my body right now. I don't feel pregnant. I'm just me. Yep. It's kind of concerning how good I am at it, but yeah my next appt isn't until 12 weeks(in two weeks).

  6. #386
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disneylover View Post
    Sneak peek clinical came back. It's a boy. I'm so numb. I don't know what to feel. Husband is mad at me because he thinks I'm refusing to let him be happy. He wants to celebrate. I want to die. I don't even know anymore.

    Anyone know anything about sperm spinning? My husband refuses to do IVF for moral issues but is open to sperm spinning. I know it can't be done in the US. I'm just done leaving this up to chance. Even with swaying. I CANNOT have another boy, but I also WILLNOT give up my dream of a daughter.
    I'm so sorry it didn't go the way we were all hoping. Please let me know if I can help in any way.

    Some people do sell sperm spinning in the US. It is just Microsort that isn't done in the US. The unfortunate thing is that the Microsort works (but has very low rates of conception), and the sperm spinning really doesn't...the clinics will quote very high success rates but when you read the fine print it is spinning + IVF/PGD that yields those higher success rates and not just the sperm spinning alone. They often don't even HAVE sperm spinning success rates for their methods and will quote you some other person's "research" (which has been unable to be repeated by independent researchers.) I SO SO SO wish it worked but it just doesn't.
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  7. #387
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    Thank you. My parents have offered to pay for more high tech options, but my husband just doesn't morally agree with IVF. That's why I asked about other things. I saw Microsoft and did seem like the results were pretty good but like you said, low conception rate. So I'm not sure if a trip to Mexico is worth it for that.

    I know I might need to do PCOS diet for my next sway. I don't have that, but I do have the tendencies like longer cycles and more body hair. What do you see in terms of people swaying a second time with success rates?

    Also part of me thinks my sneak peek is wrong. I know it's a long shot but I just can't help but FEEL it's wrong. Not in the "I hope it's wrong" but in the "I know it is." I'm just sad because I feel like swaying is all I've got. The money is no object for IVF but my husband won't do it. So here I am

  8. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  9. #388
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    I understand, a lot of people's hubbies just aren't on board and in that case we will do what we can.

    I always recommend the alternate diet for people with a sway opposite. We do have many people who had success after a failed sway (myself included) but I don't think we ever tracked that specifically.

    I make no secret of the fact that I'm not a fan of Sneak Peek but the clinical is more reliable. It is probably wise to try to accept the results for now and then it may be a miracle happens, but at the least you're forewarned that you're probably going to hear blue.

    The thing with Microsort is this - they can get a good mix of X and Y sperm, but that is no guarantee, unfortunately. I have seen SO many people do so SO many Microsort rounds (when I was originally on the InGender site, it was still being trialed in the US) and only two people got pregnant. Of those two, only one got their desired gender. The other woman had a boy with something like a 92% X sperm sort. All the other people invested all this time and money and had nothing to show for it, and the poor woman who got a boy was absolutely broken by the experience. I truly think the FDA did the right thing in banning MS with IUI because it caused endless amounts of heartache (including several people who spent so much time doing MS they ended up unable to get pregnant at all, and ended up with no money and no baby) I so, so wish it was possible to come up with some reliable way to select gender without the moral considerations but here and now it just doesn't seem to be possible in any reliable way.
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  10. #389
    Dream Vet
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    I tried sperm sorting in 2010 to conceive my DS1 whike swaying with girl diet from IG website. Got pregnant on second cycle with a high percentage of X sperm. We miscarried in the first trimester and testing showed it was a boy. We tried again using the diet and sorting and had an even higher X sperm percentage reported. I had DS1. DS2 was another failed sway using just IG’s girl diet. DD1 was a successful sway following the diet on this site. DS3 was an accident while on a 6-week course of prednisone and no swaying was done. My twins were two months into the LE diet, but I still had my IUD in. I conceived about 6 weeks before my appointment to have it removed. I’m not sure if I’d call the sway successful or not as I conceived G/G/B triplets, but ended up with G/B twins. DD3 was a successful GD sway as well. The pregnancy I lost in March I did not sway for. We had spontaneously decided to try for a baby and I ovulated within a couple days of that decision. We started swaying girl after our loss and after having testing done were told DH’s sperm parameters were at the low end of normal, as was my egg quality. My doctor put DH on zinc and me on folate, CoQ10, and inositol. We were only on them for three weeks before conceiving, so not a lot of time for them to do anything, but I also worry that somehow taking any sort of supplement for any period of time could have affected my girl sway. ����*♀️
    DH (43), DW (40)


  11. #390
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    I feel like th GD is worse this time than the last in some ways. Last time I I was a crying wreck but I still was able to take the weekly bump photos and be slightly happy.
    I literally can't even open my pregnancy apps. I don't even wanna think about it anymore.
    My husband and I had ANOTHER talk and I think we're finally getting somewhere. Possibly doing mini Ivf with microsort. That way we only get 2-3 embryos and hopefully they will all be girls. He just doesn't want the possibly of 8 embryos sitting somewhere or having to decide to get of boys. Even if we got 1 boy 1 girl I would still keep both. What do you guys think of this option?

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