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  1. #231
    Dream Vet
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    Congrats soar. Cant wait for the photo

    Afm, mucus plug came out today but no contractions yet. Well, just BHs i think. They come and go but have been every 20 mins fir the last two hours so hopefully something will happen tomorrow.
    Oct 2012

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  2. #232
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by myrainbowgirl View Post
    Soar - Huge congrats on baby girl!

    Meeks - It's Saturday here, and I think she delivered yesterday that's about 4 days counting Friday. My friends who have gotten C's usually have 4 days in the hospital, vaginal is 2.

    AFM - Baby boy looks great! Got to see him yesterday on U/S. I think he looks like DS2. I hope he's a lot like him, because he's my easiest! Here's to hoping!
    oooh of course. It's sunday here so I was thinking THATS MAD! haha

    ds2 is my easiest as well, I am terrified that by some cruel twist of fate I will get my girl, but in a bundle of crying and unsettled behaviour, because I can't imagine life is really going to give me both a girl and a dream baby. haha

    ds1 was a nightmare, poor kid has allergies so now we know why, but both dh and I are slightly nervous do go there again with number 3. He's a good 4 year old, and very smart and energetic so that's not to say he's not awesome, but still as a 4 year old takes more work and emotional energy than ds2 who is 2.

    I just spent yesterday organising some baby things, finally packed my hospital bag, got some bits together at home for baby that I hadn't done yet, etc. I am feeling like it's really real, with 30 sleeps to go. Previously I was like OMG I have ages, but now it feels quite soon. At least now I feel organised enough that if anything happened I can scrape things together and be ready for baby. Before I had so much to do I had no idea how it would all happen in time.

    How are you feeling in that way? Am I the only one that left it this late to set up the bassinet and wash the crib sheets??
    DS1 2009, DS2 2011.
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  3. #233
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    Congratulations soar. Hope you and baby are well.

    Sorry haven't been on for a while. We name our boy Kyle, he's doing great can't believe my little boy is here.

    Goodluck to those who are waiting for labour!!!!

    I just wondered if anyone knew after birth when can we start exercising? Has anyone got any tips on which diet to follow and exercise. Knowing Kyle is my last baby i just want to get my body back. I have such a flabby belt left over.. Looks like im four months. Haven't put it on elsewhere just the belly. Any suggestions on how to minimize th belly- feeling fat :-\
    Mummy to 2010, 2011 and expecting my in January

    Thank you Gender Dreaming

    [url= kers][/url

  4. #234
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    Hi ladies, just to say my little boy was born on 2nd January after a very quick, intense labour. He was due on 1st jan so obviously realised he was running late : )
    He weighed 8lbs 9.5oz with a lot of very dark hair.

    He looks just like his two big brothers did when they were born. Both husband and I looked for the boy bits the second he came out just in case they got it wrong and we both admitted to feeling disappointed that they hadn't.

    Due to the very quick labour I was feeling pretty dazed and numb afterwards and did feel quite a bit of gender disappointment knowing i will definitely never get my daughter now, but 3 days on I am totally in love with him.

    He is absolutely gorgeous and I can't stop cuddling him. He is feeding well, sleeping lots- though only snuggled up in bed with me- he doesn't like his crib much : )
    We have named him Tristan and his two big brothers are smitten with him and can't stop looking at him and kissing him. Very cute.

    - Feb 2008. - Nov 2009. - MMC Dec 2012. - January 2014, our gorgeous little fella has completed our family. We all love him to bits

    I swayed and prayed SO hard for my little girl but God obviously had other plans for our family, so it's time to move on and try and forget my dream of having a daughter and enjoy my 3 wonderful sons.

  5. #235
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Huds View Post
    Congratulations soar. Hope you and baby are well.

    Sorry haven't been on for a while. We name our boy Kyle, he's doing great can't believe my little boy is here.

    Goodluck to those who are waiting for labour!!!!

    I just wondered if anyone knew after birth when can we start exercising? Has anyone got any tips on which diet to follow and exercise. Knowing Kyle is my last baby i just want to get my body back. I have such a flabby belt left over.. Looks like im four months. Haven't put it on elsewhere just the belly. Any suggestions on how to minimize th belly- feeling fat :-\
    Huds I sooooo remember that feeling. I was too hard on myself with ds2 and went hell-for-leather to loose the weight in 3 months. In hindsight that was too fast and I think it affected my milk supply, he ended up on formula and at the time I didn't make the connection that I was loosing weight too fast. Having said that, here are the tips I found worked for me (bearing in mind you should be less full on than I was!!!):

    Download the myfitnesspal app (free) if you have an iPhone, I am sure they probably have an android app too though. Set a calorie limit based on how quickly you want to loose weight. I set it at 1200 but in hindsight this was WAY too low. Next time I will be 1400-1600 and focus on high protein more, and include more "good fats" like avocado rather than cutting all fat. Basically this app helps you work out a daily total and stick to it. If you exercise you add that in and it lets you eat more that day. Like weight watchers.

    I started with fast walking 30 mins a day, but went up from there. Again, I think I went for too much too soon, I started 4 weeks after my c-section, but the doc later said I should have waited 6 weeks. I got myself a nice fat case of mastitis for this, since I was so run down, followed by thrush. SO DONT GO TOO HARD TOO SOON.

    I did work up to jogging about 5km a day eventually, and this was THE ONLY thing that got rid of my belly. I was the same, all belly fat, and it made me feel so gross. I lost the weight technically in 3 months, but the belly didn't improve that much until i'd been jogging consistently for about a month, so maybe 4 months on.

    Like I said, that was too soon, I had a lot of health issues due to this stupid notion I needed to be superwoman. This time I'm going to TRY to go slower, maybe 6-8 months to loose it, and I'm not letting myself exercise for 6 weeks after c-section (it's less for natural birth) and I refuse to diet for at least 8 weeks. I would like to start with a fast walk then work up to jogging, and not diet at all until I feel breastfeeding is happening well. I don't want to risk that, and jogging helped my tummy faster than dieting anyway.

    Also I would say don't forget those multivitamins if you are going to start diet and exercise for non-sway purposes. They will help you with the energy to do it all.
    DS1 2009, DS2 2011.
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  6. #236
    Dream Vet
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    Congrats on a safe delivery and lovely baby mabel. You are not alone in looking at the bits to confirm gender- that is all i wanted to know with DS2 even though there was never any doubt on the scans. Anyway he had the biggest set of genitalia i have ever seen on a baby so it was clear even from across the room!!!!! I felt the same disappointment followed by the most overpwering love which hasnt stopped to this day. He is an angel and i would never change him.

    Huds, you can do pelvic floor exercises immediately after birth but everything else they tell you ti go really slowly on here in the uk. Are you sure it is fat r ather than stretched skin and rubbish muscles? Targeted belly exercises specifically meant for post pregnancy work well (there are a few dvds you can choose from) but you need to make sure you don't injure your already weak muscles - search diastisis recti to check you do not have that (separation of stomach muscles) as if you do some tummy exercises have to be modified or avoided.

    Fitness pal i s brilliant and walking is a great toner as well as getting you out if the house which is important as cabin fever sets in pretty quick with me anyway

    Please share what you decide to do on here - we could even start a losing the wobble thread!!

    AFM I had my second sweep today (not nice on an already bruised cervix) and am 2-3 cm dliated with the baby's head right in the cervix - in fact she touched it. How am i not in labour? Arrggh. Right off to run up some stairs if my swollen feet and dodgy pelvis will let me!
    Last edited by Emily; January 6th, 2014 at 11:25 AM.
    Oct 2012

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  7. #237
    Dream Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emily View Post
    Congrats on a safe delivery and lovely baby mabel. You are not alone in looking at the bits to confirm gender- that is all i wanted to know with DS2 even though there was never any doubt on the scans. Anyway he had the biggest set of genitalia i have ever seen on a baby so it was clear even from across the room!!!!! I felt the same disappointment followed by the most overpwering love which hasnt stopped to this day. He is an angel and i would never change him.

    Huds, you can do pelvic floor exercises immediately after birth but everything else they tell you ti go really slowly on here in the uk. Are you sure it is fat r ather than stretched skin and rubbish muscles? Targeted belly exercises specifically meant for post pregnancy work well (there are a few dvds you can choose from) but you need to make sure you don't injure your already weak muscles - search diastisis recti to check you do not have that (separation of stomach muscles) as if you do some tummy exercises have to be modified or avoided.

    Fitness pal i s brilliant and walking is a great toner as well as getting you out if the house which is important as cabin fever sets in pretty quick with me anyway

    Please share what you decide to do on here - we could even start a losing the wobble thread!!

    AFM I had my second sweep today (not nice on an already bruised cervix) and am 2-3 cm dliated with the baby's head right in the cervix - in fact she touched it. How am i not in labour? Arrggh. Right off to run up some stairs if my swollen feet and dodgy pelvis will let me!
    Lol I always enjoy reading your posts em. Agree re taking it slow with exercise and cabin fever, I think that's why walking and eventually jogging helped me so much, mentally too. I had the separated muscles too, which went back, but not without a lot of convincing!!

    Omg I totally did the same thing with checking and ds2. He came out and they showed me over the screen and all I could see was balls! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA he had the most unmistakable genitalia and the angle they showed me at, it was laughably obvious the scan had been right. Dh and I still have a running joke about that. Poor ds1 is a little outsized by his brother. Hehe

    I think I'll be craning to see this one too, and make sure she is really a she. Hoping its as obvious!

    I'm totally down for a loosing the wobble thread, as long as it can be called "loosing the wobble the sensible way" because I tend towards going mad at it, and want to encourage myself to go slow and easy this time.

    Sheesh come on baby Em. I NEED birth pics. Clearly this is all about me and my needs, so hurry up and distract me with some more cute baby photos! ;-)
    DS1 2009, DS2 2011.
    Due early Feb 2014, it's a GIRL!

    TTC 18months. 4 chemicals. BFP 3rd month on Clomid.

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  8. #238
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    Last edited by Waiting4Daisy; August 1st, 2021 at 08:21 AM.

  9. #239
    Big Dreamer

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    thanks meeks and Emily. I have downloaded the fitnesspal app... Its fantastic!!!!! Thanks so much for this useful information. Yeah its kinda like stretched skin. Its gone down considerably since birth. But you know when you know its your last baby and you think its time to get your body back into shape. At the moment im not doing any exercise, ill wait for my doc check up first like you ladies have said. But yes doing my pelvic floor exercises. Thanks again for you advice xxx
    Mummy to 2010, 2011 and expecting my in January

    Thank you Gender Dreaming

    [url= kers][/url

  10. #240
    Dream Vet

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    Mabel - Congrats on sweet DS3!

    Meeks - Oh no, I have WAY too much to do to get ready! I am feeling overwhelmed with it all, and to make matters worse, there is a possibility we will be transferring across the country at some point (for DH's job) in the relatively near I don't really know if I should put everything in it's "final" place or not! Oh well, I'll figure it out, but I REALLY need to get started.

    Emily & GeCon - GL with labor & delivery! Can't wait to hear your updates!

    AFM - I am doing fine. Back annoying me a little, so I stopped working out. Started prenatal yoga (just a dvd), and it's helping so much! Can't believe he'll be here in 5-6 weeks...time has flown!
    Mommy to 4 precious little boys, would love a , but more also welcome!

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    It's a ! My little miracle from God!

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