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  1. #1
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    The lure of Lubes!!

    UPDATED 12-13-17

    I thought it would be helpful to have an overview of ALL swaying lubes in one spot to kind of compare them.

    BLUE SWAYING LUBES - Use only those sold as "sperm safe" or "conception friendly". All other lubes on the market are at least somewhat sperm-unfriendly and sway pink as a result.

    Pre Seed Specially designed to help people get pregnant, Pre Seed is very sperm friendly and sways blue by ensuring maximum sperm survival. Pre Seed was designed in a lab to be as similar to EWCM as is possible!

    Conceive Plus: Similar to Preseed and also atomic-approved. I do not know which if either one is better, both are fine by me.

    any sperm safe, conception friendly lube is fine.

    Perhaps the best boy friendly lube of all is our own fertile EWCM. You can increase your CM in many different ways, including guaifenesin staying hydrated (lemon water, y'all! ) .

    Do NOT use Fertile CM as it appeared to dry up the cervical mucus in at least half of the people who took it, it seemed to cause really wacky, messed up cycles, and a LOT of the people who took it got girls anyway!

    Sexual arousal is also a good way to improve EWCM. Foreplay in advance of DTD is a great idea, whatever turns you on (literally!!) Lucky blue swayers, orgasm is a very important part of a blue sway because it increases the natural lubricants that your own body produces!! So a female orgasm BEFORE your attempt is a fabulous idea for blue. If you can have one before and after, maybe even better.

    Coconut oil. Sperm are not designed to swim through oil and there is NO EARTHLY WAY that as many sperm will get to the egg in an oily, greasy environment as one that has exclusively semen and EWCM. Sperm is made to live in semen and EWCM ONLY. NO coconut oil, I don't care who tells you to use it, or how safe they say it is, if sperm were made to swim through oil, our vaginas would be oily. They are not oily! NO COCONUT OIL!

    Saliva. Believe it or not, saliva actually kills sperm and is recommended to avoid for anyone trying to conceive. Most people can conceive anyway after using it as a lube, but that's the official verdict from the intrepid researchers who study stuff like this.

    Egg whites - While they are said to sway blue I cannot and will not recommend the egg whites EVER because we have some pretty good anecdotal evidence that it is causing or contributing to miscarriage and possible death. A woman who swayed with egg whites back on Ingender ended up getting a salmonella infection in her uterus that ate its way into her spine and brain and while it's possible it was all just a crazy coincidence, since we have tons of studies that show salmonella = miscarriage in humans and animals I literally cannot allow anyone to use it on my watch.

    Even pasteurized egg whites are a no-go for me because you can get salmonella in your VJ from your rear end or from hubby (it is possible to get a salmonella infection in your uterus that way and this comes straight from the doctor of the woman who nearly died) and egg whites are literally a perfect medium for bacteria (not only salmonella either, BTW). Egg whites grow germs so well that is what they grow vaccines in.

    So you're shooting a bunch of stuff that is perfect for microorganisms to grow, into your VJ right when your cervix - the path to your uterus itself - is wide open and your pH is at its highest. This creates a situation where it's like offering an invitation for nasty bugs. Anything in your VJ to start with (like yeast and other bacteria) anything that is on DH when you have attempt, anything that's on your hands or around your rear end - and even if you're a super clean person it is impossible to get rid of it all - will be able to set up shop and grow its way right into your uterus, your Fallopian tubes, and can harm a developing pregnancy and even your long term fertility.

    Egg whites feel very unsafe to me and when we were using them, people were having really low rates of conception anyway. Just because egg whites have a similar consistency to EWCM they are totally different things chemically and physically and sperm are not designed to go through egg whites. Preseed is designed by scientists to be as close to EWCM as is possible. NO EGG WHITES!

    Beyond all that, it's totally unproven that Y sperm like high pH anyway and if they do, common sense dictates that if they like high pH, then they would stay in the egg whites (which are higher pH than anything up inside your reproductive tract!!) and never find the egg!! I have a full explanation here:

    Preseed or Conceive Plus are much better options and I strongly (emphatically) advise against egg whites.

    ALL other lubes on the market sway pink to some extent, because they're all somewhat hostile to sperm. Update - please note that in our results over the past 7 years, NONE of these lubes has been very effective with the same number of people getting girls with and without them. Use them if you want, but don't expect them to help your sway any (be sure you're doing diet, exercise, one attempt - which DO work) and they really do cut odds of conception considerably so be sure you're dropping lubes before giving up on the things that DO work!

    Acijel - This was once believed to be the best product available for TTC pink, although our results have not backed that claim up. It was actually designed to sway, as opposed to other products which were designed either as lubricants or to maintain a healthy vaginal pH. Contains acetic acid, which is believed to help sway pink.

    Replens and RepHresh (Link) If you use these every three days, they help with maintaining healthy vaginal pH of 4-5 and providing moisture. RepHresh also contains acetic acid and will actually lower pH of semen and CM by reacting with it chemically. Replens is simply low in pH. Our results have not backed up RepHresh or Replens being in any way helpful to a sway.

    Sylk is a natural personal lubricant with a pH of 4.7. The Sylk website states outright that Sylk is hostile to sperm. In terms of girl-friendly lubes, that are meant to just act as sexual lubricants, I think this is the best one. Acijel, Replens, and RepHresh all seem to work best as part of a sway and then you can ADD Sylk to your attempt as a lubricant. Unfortunately Sylk has not gotten great results either, seeming to not help our success rates at all. AT least, unlike Acijel, Replens, and RepHresh, it's a good lube, although it's really expensive and hard to get. I wouldn't bother with it, but of all the choices at least it works for comfy BD!

    Astroglide An easy to find, affordable lube that is pH balanced to mimic the natural pH of the vagina (I couldn't find a specific number but that seems to mean between 4.5-5). I think Sylk is better, but Astroglide is ok.

    KY jelly. NOT the same pH as the vagina (it's higher but I couldn't find the exact number). Not a good choice for swaying. Here's an interesting article that EVERYONE should read, it's about more than just KY and sort of explains why some of these lubes are hostile to sperm and therefore sway pink. Honestly, as bad/ineffective as the other lubes and jellies have been for pink, at least I've heard anecdotally of some people getting girls after using KY, and it is cheap. If you need a lube and don't want to pay out the nose to order Sylk online, why not KY? It does kill sperm though.

    Saliva. Believe it or not, saliva actually kills sperm and is recommended to avoid for anyone trying to conceive. Plus it's high in pH anyway if that matters to you. Most people can conceive anyway after using it as a lube, but that's the official verdict from the intrepid researchers who study stuff like this.

    Canola oil. It's messy, greasy, pretty high in pH (6.8). Oils tend to trigger vaginal infections and eat away at rubber meaning you can't use them with a Diva/Instead cup or with the Hole-in-the-condom method. With the better options out there, DON'T BOTHER with it.

    Plus, sperm are not designed to swim through oil and there is NO EARTHLY WAY that as many sperm will get to the egg in an oily, greasy environment as one that has exclusively semen and EWCM. Sperm is made to live in semen and EWCM ONLY. NO canola oil, I don't care who tells you to use it, or how safe they say it is, if sperm were made to swim through oil, our vaginas would be oily. They are not oily! NO CANOLA OIL!

    Pink swayers, please take note - if you have gone on TTC for a long time and have not conceived OR are super dry and need something OR are on Clomid/Femara, you can use a small amount of sperm safe, conception friendly jelly (such as Preseed or Conceive Plus) as a lube. Larger amounts sway blue so use the barest minimum you can for comfy intercourse - just a fingertip is enough for many people. More info here.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; January 4th, 2018 at 01:17 PM.
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  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Great info! And I agree, I've seen far too many boy conceptions with Canola oil. I tried it once during a practice attempt and it was sooo messy! Sylk worked great as a lube for us and we used replens finger every few days as well as after we made our attempt. In some women replens and/or aci jel, even sylk, can increase pH so they have to be sure to test out all the lubes first. For me the only thing that seems to raise my pH is the best product out there, aci jel! haha. Great post!
    = One little prince! (2008) and
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  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I agree that everyone should test in advance but I do believe that the bump in pH may be temporary (your body reacting to a foreign substance by producing fluid to wash it away. I hope everyone gives it a few tries to see if it is consistently raises pH or if your body "gets used" to it.

    Oh and they also sway pink because they're hostile to sperm, not only because of pH, so even if your pH does go up a little, the additional benefits may outweigh the pH.
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  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    ooh, i see what you mean. So there might be hope with aci jel for me after all! I just think the 4 hour after the attempt is crucial, especially since I like the abstinance with a cut off technique. If I can keep my pH low for those 4 hours using a combo of replens or aci jel and lime douche, that may be the way to go, kwim? Scared me too much to have my pH any higher than 5 at any point in the 4 hour period
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  5. #5
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    Only with a cut off though. 4 hours after O+12, the sperm has already left the building because the egg is calling to it.

    I really hope you read my guide to Replens and RepHresh because RepHresh may actually work better in the long term at keeping pH low during a cutoff.
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  6. #6
    Dream Vet
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    very very interesting! Thanks so much for this info. Just finished reading your post about replens and rephresh.

    Rephresh does seem to be better in the long run!
    Like when used the day after the attempt. But you can't use it with lime douche, that's the only thing that worries me since lime douche is the only thing that worked for me last time. Definitely something to think about though, fabulous info!
    = One little prince! (2008) and
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  7. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    There's no way of knowing what really and truly worked for you though. Maybe it was the lime douche, maybe it was the Sylk, the diet, or some combination of them!! I'm just glad it worked out for you because your little girl is a DOLL!!
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    yeah that's very very true, there is just nooo way of knowing what worked, and I bet it was just a combo of everything.

    Awww, and thank you!!!! You're boys are soooo adorable also! I can't believe Marshall is ONE already, time really does fly :0)
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  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Thanks!! I know, time has gone by too quickly.
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  10. #10
    crystal-light's Avatar
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    Could you use lime douche before attempt and rephresh after?
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