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    The Exercise Enigma - both genders

    Updated 1-2-18

    Exercise while swaying is a complex and confusing issue. But when used wisely, it is an invaluable weapon in your swaying arsenal.


    Exercise can sway pink OR blue, depending on your body type and metabolism, your diet, how much and what type of exercise you do, and how it affects your body (both your genetics and your life history can change the way exercise affects you). You cannot just look at one type of exercise and say, yes, this sways pink for everyone all the time, or another type of exercise and say, this sways blue 100%.

    If you read on any websites that "cardio sways pink" and "weightlifting sways blue", this is WRONG. This info originally came from me and even though I tried to explain it more thoroughly, I think people felt like they had to simplify it and came up with that blanket prescription. But it doesn't work that way and just following those directions may hurt your sway or even your health!

    ANYTHING that grows muscle mass sways blue. ANYTHING that shrinks it, sways pink. Cardio plus weight gain on a high protein diet can totally improve your muscle mass and excessive weightlifting especically while losing weight will shrink it (this is called overtraining and it's the reason why weightlifters only lift twice a week). Even not exercising at all can affect your muscle mass in a positive or negative way!


    Your growing or shrinking muscle mass sends a signal to your body that times are good for producing one gender or another...if you are physically dominant, fighting and winning, and gaining weight and have access to lots of good food, your testosterone levels (or whatever it is that is swaying; we are no longer certain it even IS testosterone) will be on the increase and you'll be more likely to conceive a boy. If your body believes you are not physically dominant and/or are having to fight constantly just to survive and are losing those fights (your body interprets intense physical activity WITHOUT an increase in food intake as losing a competition for resources), if you're losing muscle mass and eating a lower protein, lower calorie, lower nutrient diet, your testosterone levels (or whatever) will drop and you'll be more likely to conceive a girl.

    Aside from raising testosterone, exercising A LOT also can acidify you (we doubt the pH stuff actually works any more.) This is because when you exercise, your body first burns off all available carbohydrates in your body, then after the carbs are gone, it begins to burn fat, then after 45- 60 minutes, muscle. The byproducts of burning muscle are said to be highly acidic although this is biologically improbable. More probable, is the effect of exercising a lot on blood sugar levels. If you exercise longer than 45 minutes or so, your body stops burning carbs in your blood and starts burning stores of fat as fuel and eventually muscle. It's most likely that this has an effect on blood sugar and insulin response that sways, not anything to do with acidity.

    Also, electrolytes (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium) are lost through sweat and so swayers may end up further reducing their levels of these minerals by exercise. (We no longer believe this to be a thing, but it is what some believe.)


    Moderate exercise with emphasis on muscle building. 45 minutes of cardio OR weight training OR both, 4-5 days a week. OR, you can split your exercise up into 30 minutes in the morning and 30 at night (that can be a way to fit in more exercise without running the risk of burning of fat/muscle for fuel, that you get by exercising longer than 45 minutes).

    Great exercise videos for blue include Tae Bo and the Firm - they focus on building muscle and cardio fitness at the same time. Tae Bo is a 60minute workout but part of that is warmup and cooldown and so it doesn't really "count" as a full 60 minute workout. Walking steps/doing step exercise programs are good because they provide cardio and the stepping works the large muscles of your lower body.

    Also please check out Blogilates and PopSugar Fitness on YouTube for great, FREE workouts. (Seriously, I do these myself and they rule - gave up TaeBo totally in favor of Blogilates and PopSugar)

    Diet tips - High protein, high calorie, high nutrient, high intake of GOOD fats will help build that muscle mass. Aim for 2000 calories a day or more - the more you exercise, the lower weight you were to start with, the more you should be eating

    Weight gain/loss -

    If you are on the thin side, you will need to gain weight. Even just 3-5 pounds of muscle in the months before swaying will make a difference.

    If you are very heavy, try to maintain your weight (don't lose weight) while building muscle mass. It is TOTALLY possible to gain muscle without losing a pound.

    NO ONE should gain more than 10-15 lbs absolute max while swaying blue. Huge weight gains are not more effective than moderate weight gains are and in fact for some people, may cause PCOS flares and possibly even sway pink. Many of our sway opposites have been in people who really gained a lot of weight quickly while swaying.

    The good news is that exercise can help prevent that rapid weight gain.

    The benefits of doing nothing - if you are a person who has a lot of girls and have always exercised to excess, it is time to give your body a break. Exercise much less and at much less intensity, or if that is difficult for you (you have exercise bulimia), stop all together. You should STILL try and gain 3-5 pounds and eat a high-protein, high nutrient, high calorie, high good fat diet, because this will help your muscles heal and recover. If it takes you several months to get pregnant, you SHOULD resume moderate exercise after a brief (no longer than 6 weeks) recovery period or you risk losing muscle mass.

    For hubby: Moderate exercise such as weight lifting may help sway blue but please take caution since "heating up the jewels" doing exercise, particularly jogging and biking, has been proven to sway pink in scientific studies.


    Option One - Excessive exercise. MINIMUM of 60 minutes a day, 6-7 days a week (and yes, it does need to be in one block if at all possible so you stop burning carbs and begin burning fat/muscle for at least part of the workout). Push yourself. Straight cardio without weights is best but if you need to add some light weights in order to get a really taxing workout, you should. Use the lightest weight needed to achieve the results.

    Option two - do nothing. In 3 days without exercise, your muscle begins to shrink. In 6 weeks without exercise, you can lose up to 60% of muscle mass. Please note we have seen very much inferior results with no exercise than we have with excessive.

    If you are very very fit and muscular to begin with, while we once thought that you should do nothing, we have seen such stellar results with the exercise that you now should continue exercising.

    If you can't get up to the 60 6-7 we have still seen acceptable results with as few as 4 days. It is still best to get up to 60 minutes if at all possible.

    If you find that you can't really stick to exercise at least 4 days a week, STOP exercising right away and do nothing (unless you have PCOS, insulin resistance, or more than 30-50 lbs to spare) Be honest with yourself about your diet, though, because moderate exercise plus weight gain on a higher protein diet WILL sway blue.

    If you do have PCOS/IR or have a fair bit of weight to spare, please exercise even if you can't get up to the full 60-6-7. The benefits to you for blood sugar control and weight loss for you are so huge that you should exercise even if it's moderate.

    Diet tips - Most swayers: low calorie, low protein, low nutrient, emphasis on carbs. Aim for 1500-1800 calories, 30-60 g fat, 40-50 grams of protein.

    PCOS/IR, those with poor egg quality, and those with more than 30-50 lbs to spare: 1500-1800 cals a day, 50-60 g fat, 50-60 g protein

    Weight gain/loss - if you are at all able to, LOSE weight. Even just a few pounds will help. You will ensure you actually have lost muscle mass that way. If you weigh 85 lbs obviously do not lose weight, but be honest with yourself - even at 110, most people can drop one or two pounds and it will help your sway. DO NOT GO OVERBOARD.

    The benefits of doing nothing - as mentioned above, your muscle will begin to shrink in just 3 days and you can lose a lot of muscle mass in 6 weeks. But keep in mind that just day to day things like walking, lifting children, etc. do give your muscles somewhat of a workout. This does NOT mean you should therefore stop doing normal day to day activities and huddle in a dark closet staring at your computer obsessing about swaying. I only mention it to urge you guys to exercise if at all possible because that will get you best results.

    We know the excessive, intense exercise is ~best~ for pink but no exercise is much better than moderate exercise plus gaining weight on a higher protein diet. So be honest with yourself and if you aren't able to exercise 60 minutes a day, 6-7 days a week, stop exercising. Also, if you know that you are losing too much weight or that you WILL lose too much if you do this level of exercise, it's better to do no exercise. Overexercise with weight loss can suppress your ovulation too far and make it stop all together (and it doesn't take much).

    Regardless of the amount you exercise, if you are losing weight on a low protein diet, your muscle will be shrinking. No one should stop going for walks with their children or anything so extreme! Remember, swaying needs to fit into your life and not the other way around.

    An interesting observation - When I was swaying with DS 4, I lost a lot of weight but I still had a great deal of muscle mass in my arms and legs. I then gained a bunch of weight when I was pregnant with him and I lost it all over again. I found that my arms and legs are much flabbier and less muscular than before. Then (about 6 months after I wrote this essay, as a matter of fact) I conceived my daughter. You can see that if you have had a failed sway, all is not lost. It may be that your body will act differently the second time around.

    For your hubby: Jogging and biking have both been proven to sway pink. If he can incorporate these things into your sway, it will only help. If he has sperm health issues, he should skip this tactic since they can lower sperm health too far.

    ETA - here's an interesting article I read about exercise and DH for swaying.
    Last edited by atomic sagebrush; January 2nd, 2018 at 07:43 PM.
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  3. #2
    Dream Vet
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    This is great info! So, lets say you already work out moderately about 5 times a week (or more depending), doing cardio and light weights. Enough to definitely be sweating like crazy. In addition to that you have two little kids and are always going for walks and running around and playing with them. How would you go about the exercise during swaying? Best to stop exercising at the gym? (obviously wouldn't stop the walks or playing with kids). Or better to try and increase the cardio intensity of the exercise at the gym just drop the weights. My instinct would be to cut out going to the gym, because it would be hard to increase the intensity, but my kids love going to the playcenter at the gym, so it would be a tough call. I could always replace it with something else though, like having them take a class or going to the park more often. Thanks!
    = One little prince! (2008) and
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  4. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I would increase the cardio and drop the weights if at all possible.

    If you can't do that, then I would drop it all together.

    That having been said, regardless, if you are losing weight and shrinking muscle mass, THAT is what sways. Less muscle. So if you do nothing any different but drop 10 lbs, you will still be swaying pink.
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  5. #4
    Dream Vet
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    gotcha, thanks! So what if all cardio (and obviously weights) were dropped, but still running around with kids, taking walks, playing with the kids, ect. ect. Like you said, I think it would be better to add more cardio at the time of swaying since in my daily life I do moderate cardio activity anyway.

    But like you said, even if I drop the gym workouts completely, and obviously still go about my day to day activities with the kids... as long as I'm losing weight, that will shrink muscle mass regardless, so either way should be fine...I doubt that it would sway boy, as long as I'm losing weight.
    Last edited by babydust; March 7th, 2011 at 10:19 AM.
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  6. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Exactly. Losing weight sways pink because you lose muscle along with the fat.

    We're just trying to use the optimal strategy that will help lower your testosterone the most.
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  7. #6
    Dream Vet
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    yeah, I agree, thanks!
    = One little prince! (2008) and
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  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Exactly. Losing weight sways pink because you lose muscle along with the fat.

    We're just trying to use the optimal strategy that will help lower your testosterone the most.
    Do you think there's any value to overexcercising (not weights) without necessarily losing muscle? I've been a daily excerciser since high school and have quite a bit of muscle--and don't really want to part with any of it LOL. I'd definitely rather go the extra exercise route than stopping altogether though even if the goal is to lose muscle either way. . .

  9. #8
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    Muscle and exercise both boost testosterone so I sort of doubt it, although there is the possibility that you are acidifying yourself. Plus, I think if you're overexercising/overtraining, you're shrinking muscle mass by definition.

    If you don't want to stop exercising, then don't! Swaying has to fit into your life and not the other way around. But you may have to really bump it up to get to the overexercise zone (because you're already very fit) and you WILL need to lose at least a little weight.
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  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    But you may have to really bump it up to get to the overexercise zone (because you're already very fit) and you WILL need to lose at least a little weight.
    LOL, no problem with losing weight, but can't I just lose fat instead? Just kidding, I get it, it's just another one of those swaying things I don't like

  11. #10
    Dream Vet

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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Muscle and exercise both boost testosterone so I sort of doubt it, although there is the possibility that you are acidifying yourself. Plus, I think if you're overexercising/overtraining, you're shrinking muscle mass by definition.

    If you don't want to stop exercising, then don't! Swaying has to fit into your life and not the other way around. But you may have to really bump it up to get to the overexercise zone (because you're already very fit) and you WILL need to lose at least a little weight.
    OK this is where I get confused ... because I would say I was very fit when I got pg with both of my girls, in terms of muscle tone. 6 pack abs, super strong legs, all just from running (no weights) and that was (depending on the DD) 40-60 miles a week. I have always been a lean but somewhat muscular person. Wouldn't that have been a high testosterone indicator? I think for me personally I wonder whether the "increasing testosterone for a boy" thing will do much for me. Based on things like being a go-getter personality, highly competitive, and physical indicators (acne prone, easily build muscle, gross body hair!) I would think I do have high testosterone already. But I have girls. So this is where I start thinking that swaying is a waste of my time since IF I already have high T and already have girls, there isn't much I can do.

    So I'm just operating under the whole "opposite of what I did before" approach and have cut cardio and added strength... but I don't know if that will increase my T levels or not. I'm not sure I can handle much more body hair anyway ...thank goodness for laser hair removal :-)

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