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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by atomic sagebrush View Post
    Anything with Splenda, Acesulfamate K, or aspartame Avoid anything with Truvia/Stevia (Zevia and also Safeway has a stevia-sweetened brand. Stevia may sway blue.

    I find Diet Dr. P gives me really bad headaches.
    I'll try the Diet Dr. Pepper and see how it goes, since I like the taste much better than Coke or Pepsi. If I have problems with it (headaches or anything else), then I'll try switching to Diet Coke instead. Thanks!
    2013: twin boy stillborn at 37 weeks
    Sweet baby boy, you are loved and missed more than you will ever know.
    There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and wonder what
    you would have been like. I love you and miss you so much.
    Rest now, my baby, in the loving arms of Jesus.

    Biggest shock of our lives - surprise BFP! And it's a GIRL!!!

  2. #52
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    Wow I love diet coke, does it have to be caffine free? Or is normal diet coke ok. When I was TTC DD and got boy I didn't drink loads of it but sure did when I was pregnant. Maybe next time when on girl diet.
    Love and Light x

  3. #53
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    Clarabell, how much did you drink when you were TTC girl? how many oz/cans?

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  5. #54
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    Clarabell- diet coke W/ Caffeine is fine ...that's what I'm drinking and never did with my boys
    Our long awaited is here!!!!!

  6. #55
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    oooh i drink loads of diet coke or pepsi max hope it helps me sway for a girl

  7. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarabell View Post
    Wow I love diet coke, does it have to be caffine free? Or is normal diet coke ok. When I was TTC DD and got boy I didn't drink loads of it but sure did when I was pregnant. Maybe next time when on girl diet.
    Sorry somehow I never spotted this! :/ Never be afraid to give a post a bump, I try to respond to all q's as quick as I can.

    Regular diet Coke with caffeine is fine to drink for a pink sway. The whole "avoid caff. for pink" is based on bad info that has been debunked.
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  8. #57
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    WOW- what an interesting read! ATOMIC SAGEBRUSH, I have a few questions that i'm totally confused about lol, firstly we've been ttc since oct 2011, i started out following the strict girl diet but just couldn't do it and since jan im actually on weight watchers! i've been taking calcium,magnesium +cranberry supps (+ folic acid) I've got dh taking calcium supps and tomorrow im off out to get some licqorice root + sudafed. I've just started drinking caffeine-free diet coke + regular milkshakes (nesquik) and dh has dropped his very caffeine-heavy drinks for juice. we have 3 boys and the few things i can link to all 3 just before i got pregnant were - my diet was naff + carb heavy! and the only drinks i drank all day were regular coke + red rooster/red bull! i've never drank milk in my life because it makes me gag and my diet hardly had any calcium rich foods if any at all! i'm literally turning against everything i did that got me my 3 boys.
    Looking at all of that would you say i was ok to do all of that or do you think thats all boy friendly? im on the uk thread in the forums and most of them are hard-core girl dieters (from ig) and over 50% of them are now having boys hence my change of diet/way of thinking.

  9. #58
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    hi pinkprinces and all,

    We sound so alike, I am also in the UK, just down the coast from you with my three boys, aged 8, 5, and 5 months. I didn't know about these sites when I was ttc the third time but had read snips on the net. So I tried to drink milk shakes and eat a yogurt every day, I took calc., mag and LydiaPinkman. We DTD up to O using ov strips but not sure we even got that right. With my second and third son I tried the Shettles method of DTD lots and then stop, the complete opposite to the 12+O theory. I love diet coke but didn't drink much whilst ttc, didn't know about it then. Plus my DH didn't help in any ways other than the obvious, he would have taken supps but I didn't know so much then. I look forward to reading about the diet, I too am on Weight Watchers but not doing so well. When the time comes when I ttc again I will be strict as I can. Just got to work on DH. I will also be so scared as I know it will be our last (I bullied him into number 3 so guess I am pushing my luck, plus my body kinda knackered !) Good luck to you all, I know how desperate you can feel to want a girl (by the way three of my friends have had girls in the last two weeks I feel so guilty to feel a tinge of jelousy, not fair stamping my feet !)
    Love and Light x

  10. #59
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    Hi Pinkprincess - the girl diet Atomic devised and which many of us on this Board follow is the Low Everything diet and it's quite different to the IG diet. The full details are in the Dream Member section but it's low protein (and vegetarian), low calorie, low fat and low nutrient. There are no 'magic' foods so long as you stick to the overall principles but it's also advised to skip breakfast and eat only 2 or 3 times each day to keep blood sugar levels lower for longer.

    In line with the 'low nutrient' theory, many choose to take baby aspirin instead of Cranberry for acidity. It also has the advantage that you don't need to stop and start it all the time (you can't take Cranberry in the 2ww) and it's much cheaper!

    You'll need to make sure your Nesquick is saved for meal times because drinking drinks with calories in between meals will elevate your blood sugar levels (so the diet coke is ok). This would also have applied to your full fat coke and energy drinks (full fat coke is ok on the LE diet but with meals, not throughout the day!) You may also find that the Nesquick is high in protein (milk is high in protein) and that you'd rather save your allowance for real food! I personally wouldn't worry about DH's caffeinated drinks - I certainly didn't!

    Atomic doesn't believe that high calcium is good for a girl. I'll post links to those threads in a moment!

    Here you go - this is the first in the series (there are 3 with links at the end of each):
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  11. #60
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    Hi PinkPrincess85!

    We do things a little differently around here and you can read why that is here:

    Zana posted the link about calcium and swaying already which will answer many of your questions. My concern with your diet and why I prefer the LE Diet to IG Diet, is that according to the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis, high maternal nutrient intake and improving/high maternal condition, should lead to more male offspring being born. This was independently corroborated a couple years ago by a study from Oxford University where they found moms who went onto conceive sons, ate more calories and also all nutrients including calcium and magnesium, than moms who went onto conceive girls did. The guidelines for my LE Diet is 1500-1800 cals, 40-50 g protein, 20-30% fat (25-60 g depending on how many cals you eat) 700-1000 mg sodium, 2500-3500 mg potassium.

    I drank tons of dairy my whole life and had 4 boys doing it, my last a failed sway where I was taking really high doses of cal, mag, vit D. My mom never drank milk or ate dairy and had mostly girls. Remember, all failed pink IG sways were to people taking/eating tons of can't be a magic bullet or there would be no failed sways!

    My concern with your diet as it is right now is that the Nesquik milkshakes are very high in cals and protein (and if they contain fat, fat as well) Your body uses those raw materials to manufacture testosterone and estrogen and also the protein + sugar in the milk keeps your blood sugar elevated for a long time after drinking it, which favors boy conceptions. If you are really sold on cal-mag, it might be best to take it as a supplement rather than getting it thru foods.

    Caff vs. no caff does not seem to do anything at all. The Oxford study found no difference between moms who conceived sons vs. daughters in terms of caff intake. In fact, we have observed a trend where guys who drink a lot of caffeine, actually father more daughters because caffeine is harmful to sperm.

    Red Bull is loaded with vitamins so when you were drinking them regularly, it was providing your body with a big shot of nutrients regularly.

    I'm sorry I am not familiar with the word "naff" but there ARE no magic foods. You can conceive a boy eating carbs if your overall nutrient intake, cals, etc. are high and your condition is good.

    I understand the feeling of wanting to "do the opposite" but you must realize, sometimes doing what feels like the opposite, is actually WORSE than what you were doing to begin with. If you didn't lose weight on the Atkins Diet, it may have been because you needed to exercise or were eating too many calories overall. The solution to not losing weight on Atkins is NOT to do the opposite and start eating nothing but birthday cake, that's even WORSE. You have to understand the actual reasons WHY you have conceived boys and change those...and if a high caloric intake/higher blood sugar is one of those reasons, then switching from calories from carbs to calories from milk, will not help you at all and will actually be worse than if you had done nothing because you'll also be getting more fat/protein/nutrients from the milk!
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