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  1. #1
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    The Mittleschmertz/Ovulation Pain thread!!

    Do you have crazy ovulation pain (mittelschmertz) regularly, off and on, or all of a sudden out of the blue?? PLEASE share your experiences with unusual/severe (even if for you , it is the usual state of affairs) ovulation pain in this thread! Chime in with your history or at any point if you have an oddball month! And tell us how you deal with it.

    Ovulation pain is one of those things that we don't talk about a lot but for some of us it is an issue that really affects quality of life!! It can be terrifying to those who have never experienced it and so let's get these experiences down in black and white so we can all breathe a sigh of relief about how common it really is.
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  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I have had ovulation pain that is at times so bad as to be almost debilitating, off and on since I was about 25. Not every month but 6-9 times a year I experience at least some O pain.

    This past month (Sept.) I started getting O pain and huge amounts of EWCM on CD 3!!! (that's right, 3 days after my period started) I ovulated CD 14. It went on until 3 days after ovulation and was so bad it woke me up several nights. It was worse on the left side but I had pain on both and also uterine cramps and back pain.

    I am actually really glad I knew about mittelschmertz because otherwise I think I would have thought I was dying or something LOL.
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  3. #3
    Big Dreamer

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    I do get it as well. It started after my 2nd was born so i was 25 or 26 yrs old. Its worse for some reason when i ovulate on the right side, and i ovulate from that side more often ( ill ovulate 2-3 times in a row from the right and then once from the left). It feels like bad gas cramps and random sharp pinches. The worst pain is on the night before and day of ovulation. Its not excruciating just a little painful and uncomfortable.i usually ovulate day 19 or 20 of my cycle and i aill have ewcm 3 days b4 and day of ovulation.

  4. #4
    Dream Newbie

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    Question. How long does ovulation pain last for? If I ovulated on Sunday.. is it normal to cramp from Saturday to Saturday?

  5. #5
    Dream Vet
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    I've had ov pain for as long as I can remember, some months worse than others and it has got worse since having my first ds 17 years ago. The pain usually starts around day 8 with lots of EWCM and builds up to day 13 then eases on day 14 when I ovulate. It is very painful when I go to sit down or if my lower stomach is pushed and I find my back gets very painful when I have to stand for a time then it travels down my right leg only. It's something that I've got used to and now I'm getting older it's quite reassuring that I'm still working so to speak!

    5 HT cycles all BFN

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluffyturtle View Post
    Question. How long does ovulation pain last for? If I ovulated on Sunday.. is it normal to cramp from Saturday to Saturday?
    Well, it's normal for me!! I often get it for over a week and then this last month it went on for like 2 weeks straight.
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  7. #7
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frilly Lady View Post
    I've had ov pain for as long as I can remember, some months worse than others and it has got worse since having my first ds 17 years ago. The pain usually starts around day 8 with lots of EWCM and builds up to day 13 then eases on day 14 when I ovulate. It is very painful when I go to sit down or if my lower stomach is pushed and I find my back gets very painful when I have to stand for a time then it travels down my right leg only. It's something that I've got used to and now I'm getting older it's quite reassuring that I'm still working so to speak!
    I also find it reassuring!! At 44 it's nice to know I'm not quite at "full crone" status.
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  8. #8
    Dream Vet
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    I only started getting ovulation pain after my third child was born.

    I was always aware of a mild "heaviness" feeling for a day or two around ovulation before I had children and after my first son (I caught the first egg after my second, so I don't know there). But never anything I would consider "pain."

    But my first cycle after I had my third child...I almost called an ambulance I was in so much pain. I was out shopping at Target and started feeling a sharper pain off my left side. I hurried to finish. But the time I got to my car, it was like "bend me over, throwing up" pain. I was so afraid it was a burst appendix or something. Thankfully, I thought back and realized that my first PP AF had been a little over 2 weeks before and it was a doozy as well. I called my mom and asked if she experienced that type of pain with ovulation (she had previously told me she felt pain) and she confirmed it was probably ovulation pain and not me dying in the Target parking lot. I had to stay in my car, not moving or barely breathing for over an hour before it subsided enough for me to drive home. It came and went to greater or lesser degrees for about 48 hours before dissipating. Every month after that got a bit less painful, but still pretty obvious. However, I never could tell which side I was ovulating on, sometimes both sides would hurt. Sometimes just one, but then I would get sudden sharp pains on the other side. By the time we conceived this baby, it had lessened to a mild unpleasant cramping for a couple days around ovulation. Something I could pop an Advil or two for and move on.

    I did notice that sometimes my pain came alongside a positive OPK...and sometimes it was several days before the positive OPK came along and was mostly gone when it went positive. And sometimes it seemed stronger after my OPK had been positive for a day or two and seemed that my surge was over. Not sure what was up with that. I know the pain was related to ovulation, but didn't seem to be a great predictor of actual ovulation for me. More like a general warning. Lol.
    A: "Owner" of the following brood:
    -Our biggest surprise dude (L: 2009)
    -Our rainbow little man (K: 2011)
    -Our sway and pray little diva (J: 2013)
    -Our lucky charm guy (S: 2015)
    We may be done, we may come back for one more sway. Time will tell. At the moment, we are very content with our family!

  9. #9
    Big Dreamer

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    I have it normally a day after ovulation, I know because I am a pee stick addict so I always check when I ovaulate months before TTC

  10. #10
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    I'm pretty sure I had it this month. Woke up at night with strong pains in my right abdomin. Like someone here mentioned it felt like a bad case of gas... I think I ovulated that night or the next day

    Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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