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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    TTC a Girl a few questions here :)

    just a few things i would like cleared up ideally on swaying pink!

    1. does chocolate sway pink?
    2. does sugar sway pink?
    3. cranberry juice yes or no?
    4. meat ok if limited and white - chicken, turkey, lamb, fish?
    5. avoiding salt
    6. diet drinks is what i drink and will have to carry on doing so..
    7. i will be doing cardio... only a bit tho.. 10mns zumba and a walk with dogs each day...
    8. i would like to tone up my body a little, will this sway pink or blue? it would be simple tummy toning, some weights for back toning and just some waist twists.. all ok?
    9. I will be having icecream with 2 waffers .. icecream doesnt seem high in fat or salt. (why i chose it)
    10. I was planning to pretty much have sex every day after period.. however i am concerned that by time gets to "fertile" time there wont be any sperm left so i wont get pregnant, am i being stupid to think this?? when should we start doing it...
    11 Is it better to try mornings when blood sugar lowest etc... or evening?

    Super confused on this and got to start is asap want to try and be 100% sure

  2. #2
    ksmom's Avatar
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    To answer your questions:
    1. Chocolate doesn't sway by itself but it's probably best to avoid dark chocolate while swaying pink because of all the antioxidants in it. White or milk chocolate are okay.
    2. Sugar helps sway pink. You don't need an insane amount of it though and if you have PCOS, it's best to avoid it.
    3. No to cranberry juice. Too many nutrients and it doesn't help pink sways anyway.
    4. Meat is fine, just don't go crazy with it. White meat or small amounts of fish or shellfish are fine.
    5. No need to avoid salt. In fact many ladies got girls by not limiting sodium. A word of caution: limiting sodium too much can be dangerous to your health (as in death) just as having excessive amounts of it can be detrimental. My advice: don't bother tracking it. Just eat within LE limits, salt foods as needed and you should be good.
    6. If you like diet drinks, great but don't feel like you have to have them. Atomic has theorized in the past that for some people excessive amounts of aspartame may sway blue.
    7. For cardio, unless you have PCOS, it's all or nothing. So either do the one hour cardio 4+ days a week or skip it altogether. If you walk your dogs for an hour every day then that's cardio but it needs to be done in one block of time.
    8. Avoid weights as they sway blue. It's best to just stick with cardio and with doing LE, it may be too difficult to get toned anyway. Many of us (myself included) became skinny but flabby while swaying pink.
    9. Ice cream is fine within limits. Any particular reason you want to include it as part of your every day diet?
    10. Please don't BD every single day. One of our best pink sway tactics is one attempt at first positive OPK. If you don't want to do that, you can BD every four days after AF ends and continue until your next cycle begins.
    11. No good time of day to try since it doesn't really matter. Just get your attempt in when you can.
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  3. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  4. #3
    Dream User

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    hiya thanks so much for reply.. what does BD stand for and OPK and AF?

  5. #4
    ksmom's Avatar
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    OPK is an ovulation predictor kit, BD means baby dance (having sex), AF is aunt flo.
    '15 '15 '16
    🌈 '17 (LE sway opposite)

    Dreaming of pink through HT or adoption
    FET January 2021: 1 HBAA XX - BFN
    FET #2 August 2022: 1 HBAA XX - BFP!

  6. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
  7. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    ks, THANK YOU SO MUCH for everything you do on this site. I so appreciate your help.
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

  8. Thanks ksmom thanked for this post

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