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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer
    prayingforaprincess's Avatar
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    At home Swaying for IVF/PGD? Other ways to increase chances of a successful cycle

    Hi! I am starting my pre testing for PGD and I am wondering what kind of natural swaying and fertility boosters I can try at home to increase my success with this process. I am praying it works the first time and I can be a one hit wonder. If there is anything I can do to give myself a leg up I am all ears! I look forward to hearing your advice!

  2. #2
    glory's Avatar
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    Hey there, good luck! Most will post in the private HT forum, as you are a dream member, post your questions in there and you should get more answers.

    Geneally people will say no swaying when it comes to HT, it doesn't improve anything, You want everything to be at an optimum. So if you wanted to take vitamins, I would suggest folate is number one, coQ10 would be number 2, Fish oil, really pure good quality stuff.

    Also for dh, mine took olive leaf the last cycle, apparently it can help female swimmers though only a couple of people have tried it with good results, but it can't hurt, it is a good antioxidant and will keep illness away, which is good while you are cycling. There are also supplements for men, that help with motility etc...

    Good luck!
    Last edited by glory; September 16th, 2012 at 02:45 AM.

  3. #3
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    The olive leaf is seeming to get some good results in terms of gender splits.

    Other than that, it's not a good idea to sway while going HT. You want to be optimally fertile for HT - max numbers of healthy sperm, the ability to produce lots of great eggs rather than just one, and ideal condition to sustain a pg. Swaying pink is all about reducing those things and all you would accomplish is lowering yoru odds of success at HT for something that is not even proven to sway anyway - because it's very likely the journey of the sperm through your repro tract that is doing the swaying and NOT any inherent quality of egg or sperm. You surpass everything that probably even sways by going HT so it's a fool's errand to reduce odds of success at HT for something that will not even sway for you anyway.
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