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  1. #1
    Dream User

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    Temping and OPK whilst on pill girls sway

    I plan to conceive December time of this year when my DS2 will be 9 months old, however I also plan to breastfeed once a day then and hope my periods return , however I want to know if I was on the pill or breastfeeding can you still temp or use OPK and if not how can we work out when ovulation occurs or an estimate so I can use timing as part of my sway as that's something which effected my last sway and the number of attempts , I don't want to accidentally DTD too many times or too close to ovulation etc. Do cycles usually come back at around the same time as before pregnancy? Many thanks

  2. #2
    Dream Vet

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    The pill prevents ovulation, so there would be no point in temping. And once you come off the pill it can take a few months for your cycles to regulate. The most you could do is start temping and tracking O once you come off the pill. It would be pointless while still on it.

    10/13 2/16 and another due 8/18
    due August 2021!

  3. #3
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    There is no point in temping and doing OPK while on the pill because your cycle will be totally different when not taking them. Please don't waste your time/energy with those for now.

    Coming off the pill, you can choose to start OPK at that time (and they will detect your surge even though you have not been tracking) OR you can do every 4 days method. i'd start with e4d in the Monday/Friday pattern for better chances of pink.

    You need to let go of the worry about DTD close to ovulation. Timing does not work It's as proven as anything is capable of being proven that it doesn't work. I have 3 boys with cutoffs (other was a sneak attack) and I got my daughter late at night on O-1 (really technically it WAS O Day, like 1 am) That way you will be able to do e4d if you prefer. If you can't let go of it, then OPK will be your best bet. And if you can't do that then you need to wait till your cycle comes back and not try to catch that first egg (missing out on any potential sway, unfortunately)

    Typically cycles DO come back around when they were prior to pregnancy but once you've taken the pill this will change all that and you can't rely on it. So yes, they do, but that won't work for us here due to the Pill being in the mix.
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  4. #4
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    Thanks atomic , yes my last sway was 4 days and 1 day before ovulation and ended up with boy. In no rush so was wanting to try atleast 4 days before ovulation as I have heard many success on shettles but mainly the one attempt which I didn't do last time, also my DS1 was convinced a month after the pill was stopped and one attempt 2 days before ovulation so for me I am highly fertile and feel like shettles timing would give the girl sperms a chance

  5. #5
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    Oh, NO...I really can't recommend doing that. Not at all. We saw such poor odds of conception that way and it is IMPOSSIBLE to predict 4 days before ovulation. I know it's hard to let go of but trust me IT DOESN'T WORK. The people who think they have Shettles success with 4 day cutoffs have no idea when they really ovulated since you cannot know that without an ultrasound or blood tests. ONLY those things are reliable. Temping and OPK are unreliable and no one can pin down O to the day. I have 2 of my boys with really long cutoffs at least 3 and possibly 4 days!! (one of which my period had just ended so I thought I was safe, the other, we were trying but my husband changed his mind several days before I expected ovulation and we stopped TTC but I still ended up pregnant!) With another of my boys, we tried for a 3 day cutoff and my husband wasn't even HOME when I ovulated LOL. The other boy was a sneak attack, who even knows how I got him haha.

    But it's your sway, your way, as long as you want that it's fine, but please drop that BEFORE you start adding attempts.
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  6. #6
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    Thanks atomic, in just struggling to pin point what the most effective timing and frequency is and what else would be for me. For my DS1 I was at a very low weight with a very girl friendly diet , exercise and everything but timing close to ovulation which I ended up with boy. Second son followed sway diet, supplements and couple of attempts around ovulation and had clomid and boy result so I'm stuck on what would be most effective for my last and final sway! I understand one atempt is most effective than more attempts and timing but whether I conceive 3 or more days before ovulation or 1 day before ovulation in your experience which produces more girls ? I'm currently BF my month old DS2, planning to concierge around December time but in no rush however I want to out to together my best sway, still hoping to breastfeed few times a day whilst trying to conceive, will come of mini pill then , and conceive within one year of birth to increase pink success , aswell as diet, exercise and few supplements. Can not get access to clomid only online but weary of if it's safe, any other suggestions would be great , Thankyou

  7. #7
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    Even the best of the best sway tactics only work 70-75% of the time. There seems to be an upper ceiling on our success rates no matter what. So you have no way of knowing if your sway had worked optimally and then you just had a bit of bad luck! You are assuming that you got a boy because there was something wrong with your sway, but what if your sway was already great and you just didn't have luck go your way?? Then you start changing things and end up with LOWER chances than you had in the first place!!

    The solution to this problem is not to then decide to do things that don't work and make it impossible for you to get pregnant. Because what happens (and trust me, this WILL happen, even though I know you think it won't happen) is that after you get some BFN's because your sway was too strict, you WILL start dropping tactics and even swaying blue becauase you will be in such a panic that you're now infertile or that you're getting older. I can't even tell you how many people ended up with opposites because they start off with impossibly strict sways, keep doing them for 8-12 months, and then panic, drop everything, and sway blue just to get pregnant. It is sooo much better to do a sway that has a chance of ending in conception!

    I know based not only on studies but on our own experience and MY personal experience that 50-50 boys and girls are conceived every cycle day. And far more conceptions occur on O-2 and O-1. So it simply makes the most sense to have one attempt on either O-2 and O-1. It makes NO SENSE to have attempt on O-4 or further because the chances of conception are so slim to be nonexistent and the vast majority of the people who think they have conceived on O-4 actually ovulated early (and so possibly conceived on O-2, 1, or even O day). Scientists have proven this by going back and looking at old temp charts that had been previously used to support timing and found that when they used their modern knowhow to accurately determine ovulation, they found that timing did not sway at all - even in the old studies that claimed to support it. They were all based on miscalculations of when O occured. Those studies that claimed to find O-4,5,6 day cutoffs have been proven untrue and also to have very, very low chances of conception.

    Even if you did want to try it, even if you were ok with 1 in 1000 (for O-4), one in 10,000 (for O-5) and one in 100,000 chances of conceiving, what you are suggesting/planning is IMPOSSIBLE. There is simply no way that while breastfeeding, coming off the BCP, and within a year of postpartum, that you will be able to hit a 4 day cutoff. Your cycle will NOT BE REGULAR and you will have no way to know when O-4 even is. If it is regular while BF, coming off BCP, and within a year of having had a baby, that is like winning the lottery. So I am concerned because I see you trading in things that really do sway (breastfeeding, coming off BCP, close child spacing) trying to do this sway tactic that doesn't work and will cut odds of conception to practically nothing if you manage to do it properly.

    It is your sway. I laid out the reasons why not to proceed with your plan as it is but now it's up to you to decide what to do. I will stop nagging now. Good luck and pink dust.
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  8. #8
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    Thanks atomic, I will defintely not do the cut off now then but will stick to one attempt. So your saying breastfeeding, coming of birth control and close child spacing does or doesn't sway much? I will also be doing diet and excercise and rephresh. I'll be using OPK like crazy once I stop bcp to see if I can get an idea of when I ovulate.

  9. #9
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    Yes, breastfeeding, coming off BCP, and close child spacing DO SWAY. 4 day cutoffs do not sway, will make it practically impossible to conceive, and will be impossible for you to do while breastfeeding, coming off BCP, and having close child spacing because your cycle will not be regular.

    Even if you ovulate a certain day one month, there is no guarantee that will be the same day you ovulate the next month. So you can't use that to predict 4 days before ovulation. I've seen hundreds of people try and have it not work out - their ovulation was early or late. Swaying makes the cycle irregular and unpredictable under ideal circumstances, let alone breastfeeding, coming off birth control, and within a year of having had a baby.

    It's like you're trying to plan a sway by going outside and hoping to get struck by lightning when there isn't a cloud in the sky. That's how unlikely it is that you will be able to hit a 4 day cutoff doing all these things. And since a 4 day cutoff does not even help your sway, it just makes so much more sense to me for you to be able to capitalize on the things you are doing - breastfeeding, coming off BCP, close child spacing, all of which do sway - instead of trying for something that doesn't work, makes it impossible to conceive, and will not even be possible with your cycle very likely being irregular.
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