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  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Advanced maternal age wanting to make body girl favourable

    I am 44, so chances are slim I will conceive again however not impossible . I have a large family, but my last daughter sadly passed away minutes after premature birth 12 yrs ago . I went on to have all boys since her . Questions :

    How can I make my body “ girl” friendly ? I am taking calcium and Magnesium , trying to be as sugar free as possible . Try to avoid all white carbs . I need to lose 20 lbs , and read some say work out and some say know
    Dh need to change as well? As someone said he may have PH to favour boys
    Timing... I have done all the recommended and still had boys, but being 44 now

    I did just have another boy , who is 6 mths . I am not sure if anymore are even in the cards , but would like to help as much as possible in case . There is so much confusing info between different sites 😳

  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Hello and welcome! If you can afford it, I'd highly recommend buying a customized plan where Atomic takes all your personal details into consideration and gives you a plan. That's what I did. There are also a lot of details on the boards and she sometimes can comment on questions. For my plan I'm including exercise- 50-60 minutes 6-7 days a week. It is helping me lose weight (I also have quite a bit to spare).

  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    Thank you for replying. Sadly spending extra is not an option currently; so I having to try to decifer all the info on my own and how to use it . Hindsight back 12 years and I so should have .

  4. #4
    Dream Vet
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    I'm 39, so also AMA. Atomic suggested I take folic acid (not a prenatal) and did not suggest calcium or magnesium. I am on a different version of the diet that may be more friendly for fertility health (a variation of the Alternate LE Diet that is used for people with PCOS or who may be a bit insulin resistant or who have been on the diet for a long time and can't afford to keep losing.) In a nutshell, I aim for 50-60 grams of protein and 50-60 grams of fat a day. My version of the diet includes white meat like chicken/turkey, potatoes, rice, and beans/tofu for protein on 5 days and one serving of salmon two times a week. I get one dairy food a day (whole milk yogurt without sweetener, cheese, or whole milk). We're all supposed to eat lots and lots of veggies (unlimited non-starch veggies), so I eat lots of salad, summer or winter squash, tomato, carrot, eggplant.... I'm to limit eggs to 2-4 per week. Fruit is also good to eat, within limits, so I have 2-3 a day. The idea is to eat this healthy diet and limit the empty carbs as much as possible. Whole potatoes and rice are theoretically slower burners (lower gycemic load) so we eat lots of those. Processed carbs like white bread or sugar or many snack foods are quick burners, so we try to limit those. Treats like chocolate, wine, and occcasional "cheats" are encouraged if they help you stay on the diet. I do add jam to my yogurt and have something processed most days (a chocolate pretzel, flour or corn tortilla, mulltigrain bread).... It helps me stay sane. Coffee sways girl (caffeine free coffee is OK, or caffeine if you aren't worried about its possible impact on fertility. Also, random: breastfeeding sways girl, exercising a lot (45 minutes in a row 6-7 days a week) or not at all sways girl (exercise doesn't have to be strenuous). If DH is willing, it may help if he cuts down on meat/eggs and drinks soy milk. I'm sure you'll see lots of other tips on here. Keep an eye on the date of the post, as the sway is always evolving as new data comes in. Good luck!

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  6. #5
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.

    I got my only daughter at 42. it is possible since you have proven fertility. I have a diet that will be better for you here: you should not do a very carby diet and do NOT have skim dairy under any circumstances.

    Yes please work out, it's a great thing for both your chances of conception and also your sway. We have stellar results with exercise.

    Timing doesn't work. Most of us on here have many timing opposites. I got my girl with boy timing LOL.

    I don't think calcium and magnesium sway and I gave them up to get my daughter after getting my last two boys while taking them. it's up to you, but I prefer people over 40 skip them because calcium may cause or contribute to cardiovascular disease.

    I would have DH take Olive Leaf Extract 500 mg a day and that is all. Don't give him any other sway supplements as they have not worked and

    pH doesn't work, either. Please don't worry about pH, it works just as good as timing (which is to say, it doesn't! LOL) If you're interested I have the full case against pH here: and the case against timing is here:

    I know it's super annoying when all the sites don't agree but there is ALWAYS a reason. That is what I'm here for, so ask, ask away till everything falls into place!!!
    !!! Questions?? Check out the NEW and improved Complete Index !!!

    If you appreciate my help with your sway plan, please consider a donation:

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  8. #6
    Dream Vet
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    Also, breakfast cereal could sway boy. So eliminate or limit that. Brown vs white rice go with whatever you prefer. Whole popcorn or corn are ok sometimes but limit rice cakes, chips/crisps.

    Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk

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  10. #7
    Big Dreamer

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    I realize have no medical knowledge but I would say if you are 44 and you have a 6 month old, then your age is perhaps not as relevant as, say, someone who has never had a baby and is trying for the very first time at 44. My hunch would be your body would at least already know what to do and have some sort of cellular memory for conception and gestation.

    I take the stats with a grain of salt anyway. I had a checkup done at 38 1/2 to make sure I was good to TTC. My Dr told me to expect it to take 6 months to a year at that age and I got pregnant the first month off the pill - I was not even technically trying cause I figured it takes time for the body to reset.

    My sway is pretty similar to gafan:
    50-60 grams of protein and 50-60 grams of fat per day
    Chicken/turkey/salmon, beans, lentils for protein (not sure if lentils was mentioned in the plan but I eat them usually the evenings I am low on protein but high on fat).
    Sweet potatoes (I hate regular potatoes).
    Brown rice/whole grain pasta when I feel like a change from rice.
    I eat a coconut yogurt some days for the fat (I don't take dairy, that's why coconut)
    I eat LOTS of salad, broccoli and fruit for the calories because I tend to lose a lot on the LE diet.
    I eat 6-8 eggs a week as recommended by AS for me (because I dropped too much and skipped a period..hoping it is back this week, )
    I, personally, have not touched red meat in several months (I was a big red meat eater before so I am hoping it makes a big difference for me).
    I eat multigrain bagels and multi-grain bread only. No enriched white flour products.
    I try to make sure my fat mostly comes from omega6 vs omega3.
    I take folate, coq10.
    My DH is drinking soy milk, running, biking, taking OLE and stopped lifting weights. He still eats red meat.
    He also drinks regularly (several times a week) but I rarely drink (I probably have 2-3 glasses of wine a year).
    I drink decaf coffee throughout the day (2-3 cups a day).
    I do 60 min of cardio (run/spin class), was doing 6 times a week, dropped to 4 and now trying to limit to 5 to not overdo it (for me, 6 was too much).

    I wish you much success and hope you get your healthy baby (hopefully, a girl).
    Last edited by dreamofdaughter; May 17th, 2018 at 01:38 AM. Reason: forgot to add exercise

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  12. #8
    Big Dreamer

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    Also, I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter.

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