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Thread: Hi I'm new here

  1. #1
    Dream Newbie

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    Hi I'm new here

    Hello I'm Linda. I have two beautiful boys, and would love to add a little girl. Im 37, my husband is almost 44. I have read a lot of gender sway stuff, and it is all getting overwhelming. I am trying to do a le diet, and in just a few days I have already lost 3 lbs. (I usually eat all day long, so going to just a few meals and skipping breakfast, restricting diet, i'm not sure this is the best thing). Any tips? I'd like to start trying this month or next month.

  2. #2
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    HI and welcome! Have you been tracking your calories, protein, and fat intake?? Just "cutting back" isn't best because many times you end up cutting back too far that way. If you tell me more about what you're eating I'll be able to help you.
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  3. #3
    Dream Newbie

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    I have mostly been eating rice, rice cakes with homemade cranberry sauce (cranberries and a little sugar) coffee with half an half, rice pudding made with almond milk, and 100% no sugar cranberry juice watered down. I gave up last night, I was too hungry. It is so confusing, and I love to eat, but I will do almost anything to have a girl, this will probably be my last pregnancy.

  4. #4
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Can you explain to me what you think the LE Diet is supposed to be? Because that is not LE Diet, not at all. The most important part of the Low Everything Diet is that it is a healthy pre-pregnancy diet while still swaying pink. What you are eating is NOT healthy or balanced (and I strongly suspect it did not even fit in the guidelines for LE Diet.)

    We have a much more relaxed approach to diet than what you're doing here. You should not be eating that restrictively because it's not healthy either physically or mentally, and it's going to be next to impossible to stick to. It's way better to eat a more varied diet and stick to it than to try to do some impossibly strict diet and give up (because this is what happens so often - people who try for the strictest of diets end up giving up totally, thinking "well if I can't do everything, I may as well not do anything." This just isn't the case and we get great results with the more relaxed approach.

    Plus, it may not even help your sway anyway because such a huge amount of carbs may inadvertently cause your blood sugar to shoot through the roof and will raise testosterone, possibly swaying blue! And the type of attention to detail and control-freakiness you need to stick to something so miserable would also sway blue. It is just better in every way - for your health, for your pregnancy, for your sanity, and for your sway - to follow the actual LE Diet and not some starvation diet.

    Do you have diet totals for the day? Fat, protein, and calories?
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  5. #5
    Dream Newbie

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    I really have no idea what I am doing. I do not have any protein , fat, or calorie counts. I only did this for a couple of days, and realized this could not be right. I only have the information that I have seen posted online here and other places. Sorry that is not much to go on.

  6. #6
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Oh thank goodness! I'm so relieved! Sometimes people will be told things by Facebook that are simply not at all correct and then do those things for months. If you let me know where on this site you saw this I will correct it.

    The LE Diet is this:

    1500-1800 cals for most people, a minority (maybe 30%) will go up o 1800-2000 or even beyond that if they lose weight super fast, a very few (1-3%) will drop to 1200-1500.

    40-50 g protein (anyone with PCOS, who's breastfeeding, very tall, exercising a lot, or who has more than 30 lbs to lose will go up to 50-60 g protein)

    30-60 g fat (anyone with PCOS, who's breastfeeding, very tall, exercising a lot, or who has more than 30 lbs to lose will go up to 50-60 g fat)

    Low carb veg are free and unlimited, have as much as you want, no need to count them. Higher carb veg (anything sweet or starchy) count only calories, not protein or fat, they are free for pro and fat.

    Most people have skim dairy and white refined grains, but anyone with PCOS, insulin resistance, egg quality issues, more than 30 lbs to lose should switch to whole grains and full fat dairy only.

    And then if you do those things, you have absolute freedom to eat whatever you want. Some foods make it easier to stick with the diet than others (like, if you eat a bunch of meat, youll quickly go over on protein allowance and have nothing left to "spend" for the rest of the day, so most people will skip meat or limit it strictly) but there are no forbidden foods and there are no must eat foods either. Cranberry juice does NOTHING to make would have to take cranberry supplements to have the concentration that could medically affect your body, and since we have tracked cranberry supplements and found they do nothing, it's actually useless to take cranberry even in supplement form and therefore cranberry juice doesn't help sway pink. All you're doing is adding a bunch of empty calories. Fine to have cran juice now and then but certainly not something you need to drink tons of!

    I have some threads that will help you - LE Diet short version is here: LE Diet FAQ #1 is here: and LE Diet FAQ #2 is here:
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  7. #7
    Dream Newbie

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    I think I was just going with the thought of, if the LE diet works, and there are certain foods that sway girl, why not do an LE diet with mostly girl food? but obviously that wasn't a good plan. I may end up buying the 6 month girl sway plan, as I don't have the time or energy to do this on my own.

  8. #8
    Swaying Advice Coach
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    Yes, people do think that, but the trouble is that it ends up as a diet so restrictive that no one could stick with it. At first I tried to allow people to do that, but then I had people ending up getting eating disorders and giving up right away on the diet. I do have a thread for people who want to combine diets here: and you will see even this is by far less restrictive than what you were eating!

    I would love to make you a plan or we also have some premade sway plans you can buy as well. Or I can help in the free forums (although I do always appreciate purchases as the money I earn from them enables me to do this as my full time job instead of having to work outside the home!) i help everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
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  9. #9
    Swaying Advice Coach
    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    Yes, people do think that, but the trouble is that it ends up as a diet so restrictive that no one could stick with it. At first I tried to allow people to do that, but then I had people ending up getting eating disorders and giving up right away on the diet. I do have a thread for people who want to combine diets here: and you will see even this is by far less restrictive than what you were eating!

    I would love to make you a plan or we also have some premade sway plans you can buy as well. Or I can help in the free forums (although I do always appreciate purchases as the money I earn from them enables me to do this as my full time job instead of having to work outside the home!) i help everyone, regardless of their ability to pay.
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  10. #10
    Dream Newbie

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    I ended up buying the plan on this site, it am finding it helpful. I do wonder how long I should do it. I'm reading it, and i eat a lot more than that on a regular day, and I just maintain my weight. Should I start the supplements, and then do the LE diet later, or should I do a modified LE diet? I'm also wondering, I heard that tonic water has quinine in it, and that lowers testosterone. Is that true? and should I add that to my or my husbands diet?

  11. Thanks atomic sagebrush thanked for this post
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