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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    With my natural m/c it started with bright red spotting / light bleeding on the Wednesday night I felt releived it was going to start on it's own. I wasn't cramping so I went to work but had hubby on call to pick me up. It didn't end up starting until Saturday arvo and we had time to drive back from the other side of town and then I popped out to the shop to get more pads. Once at home it got quite heavy but I only really had mild period cramps and just took some paracetamol. I was soaking through pads very quickly and should have gone to the ED earlier but I was silly and left it until I passed out and DH called an ambulance. I don't think this is something that happens thst commonly but just try not to ignore it like I did! I was feeling faint and cold so I should have gone sooner.

    Everyone is quite different but I think you should have time to get back home if it starts. I hope it all goes well. Give yourself time to heal. I stupidly went back to work the Tuesday after and was a mess (no one knew about it either).
    Oh how scary Purple... did you end up having a blood transfusion? So happy you are pregnant now. Nothing is happening here yet and I just want it to start on its own, like you did. I am a teacher and I spoke to the deputy yesterday. I ended up crying down the phone and she insisted I didn't come in all week even though I said nothing might happen this week. I'm relieved not to have to be in work feeling like this though. Hospital appointment at 1:30 today so I'll see what they say...

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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeybee37 View Post
    Oh how scary Purple... did you end up having a blood transfusion? So happy you are pregnant now. Nothing is happening here yet and I just want it to start on its own, like you did. I am a teacher and I spoke to the deputy yesterday. I ended up crying down the phone and she insisted I didn't come in all week even though I said nothing might happen this week. I'm relieved not to have to be in work feeling like this though. Hospital appointment at 1:30 today so I'll see what they say...

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    I ended up with 2 units of blood. It was quite a traumatic experience. I'm glad you are able to have some time off as I think I pushed myself to get on with it too soon.

    I really don't want to scare you from the natural option as I would still consider it again (not that I plan to ever be pregnant again after this one!). I just like to make sure no one ignores the heavy bleeding like I did.

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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by twointow83 View Post
    I forgot to say but while I understand feeling like it's your fault it really isn't. Sometimes crap happens and we are not at fault for it. It's okay to cry. It's okay to scream. How ever you feel the need to grieve do so. Only by allowing yourself to grieve fully and completely without reservation will you be able to move forward. I always felt like the biggest whiniest baby because I alternated between completely numb and bawling my eyes out. Talking it out help me but I always felt like doing so was a burden on others. They never complained or anything just the way I felt. Bottom line don't hold it in do something bigger small memory love your little one if that helps you. Just make sure you are dealing with it and not ignoring it as that will only let it Fester and make it worse in the long run. Pregnancy after loss it's hard enough without adding emotions you haven't dealt with to the overwhelming beer cry. Its okay to scream. However you feel the need to grieve do so. Only by allowing yourself to grieve fully and completely without reservation will you be able to move forward. I always felt like the biggest wine East baby because I alternating between completely numb and bawling my eyes out. Talking it out helped me but I always felt like doing so was a burden on others. They never complained or anything just the way I felt. Bottom line don't hold it in do something bigger small in memory of your little one if that helps you. Just make sure you are dealing with it and not ignoring it as that will only let it faster and make it worse in the long run. Pregnancy after loss is hard enough without adding emotions you haven't dealt with to the overwhelming fear that pregnancy after a loss brings.

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    Wow... talk to text really had fun here lol. Hope u understood enough to get the point.

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  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by honeybee37 View Post
    Twointow that's how I feel right now. Like the biggest cry baby. I'm either shaking either fear or crying or just completely numb. I didn't want to see the dead baby on the screen at the scan place and made them cover the screen. Then I felt awful for not wanting to see my baby. I just couldn't deal with looking at this lifeless blob that had had a heartbeat two weeks previously. I really really wish I could fast forward and it be Christmas Eve and this all over and complete but unfortunately I can't. I'm just struggling to be a grown up and deal with it right now!

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    Hugs. That is completely normal. Everyone reacts is loss in their own way but it's always a massive pill to swallow an I completely understand not wanting your last memory of your baby to be a negative one. I promise it will get better as long as you allow yourself to work through it. Unfortunately, you are at a bit of a standstill. I was never able to let go and fully grieve until AFTER the loss was complete. BUT it will get better. A day at a time. Little by little. Hugs.

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  7. #25
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    Thank you towintow. I am still stuck here in limbo. The scan yesterday showed that my body has absorbed the embryo which I find so weird because two weeks ago it had a heartbeat and everything. Even on Sunday it was there and measurable. The sac is still there but they can see two areas of bleeding in the uterus so even though I haven't had any bleeding yet, they are hopeful I will miscarry naturally. I just hate the waiting and worrying. It seems weird that my baby now doesn't even exist at all. I can't understand it.

    In case Atomic reads this... should I take ubiquinol once I've miscarried do you think? I'm 35 and worried my eggs might be deteriorating. Or could the miscarriage be a one-off? I know you can't answer that. But I've not had one before and am scared to have another.

    Anyway, thanks all again for so much helpful advice and most of all, support. This is such a great place to share such experiences and feel like there are people who have been through similar and understand, when it's not always that easy to talk in real life. So thanks everyone. X

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  9. #26
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    Am having really strong contractions but no bleeding is this normal do you think?? Am so scared

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  10. #27
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    Yes. I bled before and after but during there was no bleeding. .. barely even any spotting.

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  11. #28
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    That's what I'm experiencing. Haven't passed a spot of blood for entire pregnancy but been contracting for the past seven hours

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  12. #29
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    I popped both my babies out quicker than this!!

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  13. #30
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    I'm hoping and praying it ends soon and is easy on you.
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