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  1. #11
    Dream Vet
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    Gizmo idk...Im so sick of this omg! And the nuts well for some reason don't know why I think I must eat nuts because that's what give me a boy lol. Normally I never eat any nuts . peanuts makes me sick oh my tummy hurts from it so much! So I skip that and try to eat a 1/4 cup mixed nut /day.
    Also have big problem with meat I don't eat hot dogs , bologna ect. So only thing left is some salami and bacon for me.

  2. #12
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    Zan, that is helpful info. Your weight loss diet in and of itself looks super boy-friendly. I agree with you Gizmo, I think it makes sense to do the opposite of what you did when you had the girls (or boys for pink swayers) and see if it helps? But that is the thing, it is so unnatural for all of us, which is why it is hard! I am not used to eating all day. Heck, I used to sometimes eat a cereal bar around 11am, then nothing till dinner when super busy at work! And I drank a lot of coffee, which filled me up and made me not hungry.

    I am not so worried about the minerals, Gizmo. I think the more minerals, the better, but am definitely having more potassium and sodium, like lots of it, which I did not used to do. I never ate tomatoes or potatoes before, maybe the occasional banana, but probably had low levels of nutrients there. But the nuts are tiding me over in the morning with my hard boiled egg and banana to round out the protein/carbs thing....which yes, apparently the whole trick to swaying blue is eating a ton of nutrients and often so your body thinks you are living high on the hog which is a suitable environment for a male fetus. Opposite for girls....and I'm sure my body thought I was the poorest pauper in the land!!!
    (2002) (2005) from 1st marriage. TTC since Aug 2010- Dx: low sperm count and 1% normal sperm. We are giving up and moving on with a baby-free life.
    UPDATE: surprise bfp in Feb 2013! It's a BOY!


  3. #13
    Dream Vet
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    G2g eat getting hungry...

  4. #14
    LolaInLove's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flava View Post
    Gizmo idk...Im so sick of this omg! And the nuts well for some reason don't know why I think I must eat nuts because that's what give me a boy lol. Normally I never eat any nuts . peanuts makes me sick oh my tummy hurts from it so much! So I skip that and try to eat a 1/4 cup mixed nut /day.
    Also have big problem with meat I don't eat hot dogs , bologna ect. So only thing left is some salami and bacon for me.
    I hate peanuts also, but love peanut butter. I have been eating a combo of salted almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts. But, I only eat about 30 nuts (which says a serving on the bag). I hate hot dogs and processed meats also....but I will eat turkey deli meat on a sandwich, that is my lunch protein for now...although trying to eat veggie lunches and only meat at dinner until I get pg. I am going to have a vegetarian pregnancy, I can telll it now. Flava, I am so sorry this is so frustrating to you, hunni.....I know with having a couple of opposites it must feel so defeating but I swear you can do it! I am going to keep cheering you on!
    (2002) (2005) from 1st marriage. TTC since Aug 2010- Dx: low sperm count and 1% normal sperm. We are giving up and moving on with a baby-free life.
    UPDATE: surprise bfp in Feb 2013! It's a BOY!


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizmo77 View Post
    ive had the feeling of low blood sugar before. but is feeling hunger the START of it? should we always feel satisfied if not full on this diet? i mean seriously im getting hungry every 30 min!! i havent added simple carbs (well occ but not much), but eating just carbs and protein holds me for just a bit. i cant eat THAT much, we'd run out of money!!! besides if i even look at flour products ill gain 20 pounds. im not even working out THAT will be 2nd time since sunday (so just 2-3xs/wk so far). dh says its bc im building muscles and have a constant need for protein.

    any tips on how to stop eating like im pg? i DONT want to gain all that ive lost back!!!
    Yes, being hungry is the beginning of low blood sugar. You don't need to stuff yourself all day, just by grazing a bit here and there you will do a lot towards keeping your blood sugar high...a handful of nuts will keep you going for a long time and they have both protein and carbs. Just do your best and don't panic if you get hungry, just eat as often as you can.

    Your DH is right about the building muscles, and your body needs both carbs and protein to do it.
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  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flava View Post
    Gizmo idk...Im so sick of this omg! And the nuts well for some reason don't know why I think I must eat nuts because that's what give me a boy lol. Normally I never eat any nuts . peanuts makes me sick oh my tummy hurts from it so much! So I skip that and try to eat a 1/4 cup mixed nut /day.
    Also have big problem with meat I don't eat hot dogs , bologna ect. So only thing left is some salami and bacon for me.
    Haha, that is probably my influence. If they are making you sick that's ok, you can try nut butters or just skip them. No one should be miserable or unhappy on this diet, it shoudl be the funnest diet you've ever been on!!!
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  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by gizmo77 View Post
    thx guys. well i have been only eating fruits and vegies, bt i feel like all thsi healthy stuff im eating is going rightthru me (well not literally) but not reallye asing the hunger for long periods the way rice and breads do. im limiting my breads and grains (about once a day). when i was losing weight (before boy diet) i welcomed the hunger pangs bc to me it was like :i can control you, you cant control me! haha.

    but i guess what i was concerned about is if im snacking every 30-60 min (just a couple bites here and there to ease the hunger), im finding it hard to do it with the protein (since we have to eat carbs and protein). i can eat a few carrots and be ok, but the protein part...mostly i was trying to get on a consistent system. 3 meals, 3-4 snacks, buyt im finding myself taking bites of fruits and veggies here and there (without the protein). i guess i can take a few bites of beef jerkies or turkey bacon, etc with my carbs.. instead of having this rigid system.
    If you're really and truly eating every 30 minutes then you can get away with just carbs, carrots and dip or whatever, because eating again in 30 minutes will keep your blood sugar up all the time. It's only when you're going for long periods (like between meals) that you need to be sure to mix the protein with the carbs.
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by LolaInLove View Post
    Gizmo, this is what I struggle with a lot also.....I hate eating so much. (And I have gained 35lbs on the boy diet...mostly the IG the past year since I started swaying!) I switched how I ate in the last 3 months. Before that, on the boy diet, I used to eat tons of red meat and potatoes, and that is what got me fat. Now, I try to do what Begonia is talking about....and I actually eat more of a vegetarian diet when snacking. I eat a lot of nuts with fruit, or a fruit bar like Nutrigrain bar with a little bit of cottage cheese, lots of hummus and avocados, stuff like that. It is very hard to eat every time I start to feel hungry, though, because I work so much and there are times when I get hungry and am in a meeting and can't eat for an hour after my hunger starts....even though I just ate something beforehand. It goes through me also.

    I am actually getting sick of meat....I am going to start a new thread, but I am turning vegetarian all of the sudden. It is weird.
    I think you're doing great Lola. Even the moms who conceived boys had days where they missed a meal or whatever, it's not make or break. As long as you're moving in the general direction of eating more frequently, it's going to be a step in the right direction and your body will take note of it.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flava View Post
    Same here I don't think I can do this how the hell I eat carbs and protein every time I eat ! Ok? So Im thinking I screw this for sure and will have another girl. Actually Im so sick of it all just today I told DH maybe we better stop and just have our 4 kids.
    Also I already put on like 8 lbs and I only wanted around 5 and our try would be only in Sept.!!! I don't want to be freaking fat again it did not worked with DD4!Oh and I do work out like 5-6 times a week ! But I only see more fat on me!!!(and BY suppose to help with that? haha)
    I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO EAT! So fruit and nuts are good together? But Im getting tired of nuts too.
    Oh and just to add still can't do the eat breakfast right after you waked up thing!
    Ok I hate all this, that's it.
    It's all about optimizing your chances, Flava. So no, you don't have to eat carbs and protein every time you eat. That's just a goal. If you can't meet that goal every time you eat, it's ok because even if you fall short of the goal you are still going in the general direction of more boy friendly. All the boy moms had plenty of days where they ate just carbs at one meal or skipped lunch or whatever and they still had boys. It's just that since this is swaying, I figure people want to aim for the goal and fall short, KWIM??? It shouldn't be so hard and I feel really bad.
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  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoulaMama View Post
    Ha! This is me! Eggs, maybe pancakes, oatmeal, etc in the am. Sandwiches and soups or maybe leftovers for lunch, and then for dinner it was always meat, rice or pasta and tonnes of veggies. I was probably packing away 2500-3000 cals a day!! No wonder I'm overweight! Ha! I started my first pregnancy about 30 lbs overweight and the next 2 about 40 lbs overweight.
    Me too. I eat all day long and I HATE being hungry so I often eat before I ever even get hungry. What I find is that my first stage of hunger is thinking about food...I do that before I ever get hungry and that's generally when I eat so I can stave off the hunger pangs.
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