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  1. #1
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    Balls and other things

    So my dorky husband has been goofing off with the teen nephews and got whacked in the nuts a few times. Also our son pounced on him and hit him in the jewels. How badly does that affect sperm count??

    My youngest is just 12 and starting to eat a lot more food so I’m hoping to resume my cycle soon. I’m still debating whether to wait until my cycle returns to do full HE for 6 weeks or kinda start now.

    Well this is what I had today so just checking it’s at least not swaying pink. I think my biggest problem is I don’t snack and I get worried that’s going to be my downfall.

    1/3c oats, 1 tbsp hemp seed, 2sc goat protein 2 sc gelatin, blueberries, 1tbsp walnuts, 1 tbsp almonds, tea w 1/3c milk


    2eggs, 1c black beans, 2c spinach / kale

    Tea, 1/2c milk, collagen powder

    6oz steak, 1/2c navy beans, mixed veggies, raspberries

    Im worried about the powders. Powders just make me uneasy since I was taking so many w dd2. Maybe I’ll drop them? It’s just nice to have the added protein in breakfast and I was just using gelatin but it’s not a complete protein that’s why I added the goat whey/ casein blend. But it’s still a “refined” protein. Is there something better? The whole milk Greek yogurt has like 16g of protein for a serving and between the 2 I have it comes out to be like 40 grams so I don’t want to shortchange the protein.

    Also finally got really fit I can see abs! Still 140 at 5’6 but that’s good for me and have lots of muscles showing. I don’t want to say goodbye to them!

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  2. #2
    Dream Vet
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    Just bumping this for you - the title and first paragraph made me snort :P
    We're the same height/weight - though you are fit and am not haha

    I know you were saying you were more so cutting atm so not as many carbs, but while you're getting beans etc - it seems lowish on the carbs- and would it work for you to add in an extra snack? I think iin the US, Larabars are easily accessible and an easy portable snack to have?
    You mentioned eating carrots (on their own?) maybe add some hommus to dip them (source of protein and fat)?
    Lucky Mummy to 4 sweet divas
    (2013) (2015) (2018) (2021)
    (July 2014) (November 2023)
    Our sway didn’t work for #3 & we had a little oops for #4 but we love them all to bits... not sure if we ever will but somehow hoping we might add blue to the crew, to complete our family, one day...

    Fingers crossed for TTC #5 (again) for early 2024! luck has finally been on our side- expecting our 1st little boy October 2024!

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  4. #3
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    Balls and other things

    Yeah the thing with snacking is I’m just not hungry been meals :/ but I can stuff if necessary. Or split meals into two and have some now some later but I like to sit down to eat with everyone when I do eat.

    Also started to roughly measure my food thinking it would be good for blue sway tracking/ ocd but now I’m worried it may be restrictive and sway pink? I am not opposed to gaining a bit but what I don’t want to do is gain then still not have my cycle then lose again bc I get too fat! But it seems boy moms don’t do much if any tracking of food. Maybe that’s a girl mom thing. I want to be getting enough protein though.

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; July 15th, 2022 at 09:41 AM.

  5. #4
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    It doesn't. I have had ONE case all this time where the husband took a shot VERY BAD as a young man, when playing sports, who had some trouble possibly linked to the damage. But as a general rule, guys take a hit now and then and it doesn't seem to sway as far as we know.

    Let's go easy on the hemp seed, it has phytoestrogens in it. Everything else looks great. The protein powder is ok, but I'll admit I do prefer "real" food. I don't see it as a problem since it's whey protein, though. It's vegan protein I have concerns with.

    That is FANTASTIC!! Don't you hate to get pregnant when you're looking so hot LOL? (Just kidding, it's all worth it as we know!)
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  6. #5
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    I would try eating smaller meals and seeing if you're hungry between times. That way you know your blood sugar will stay up. That having been said, usually if you're not hungry, your blood sugar IS still up, so there's that too!

    Yes we absolutely do not want you gaining more than 10 lbs or so. There's no need for more than that, and even 3-5 is good. I only ever gained 3 lbs with 3 of my boys, and stayed the same with the other, about 3 lbs above my ideal weight. With my daughter, I lost 3 lbs. 3 is my magic number!

    I don't think you need to track your food. I wouldn't worry about it, just another thing to keep on your radar screen.
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  7. #6
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    Balls and other things

    Ok good I was like stop goofing offff!!!! I was so mad at him for possible damage. Ok I will nix the hemp they taste like crap anyways. Im planning to sub in some whole milk Greek yogurt at breakfast. I think since I’m eating so much protein at each meal I don’t feel hungry. Just doing fruit / oats and beans for carbs is that too low on carbs?

    Yeah I’m NOT looking forward to the weight gain but on the other hand I was at my lowest adult weight when I conceived my son so maybe I don’t need to be a beefer again to get one as long as I’m at maintenance calories and not cutting or going hungry at all.

    How was it having your 3/4 with that kind of spacing? I do have the advantage of having an older girl! And the youngest girl is super chill and easy. The boy… well he just has a death wish omg….

    Do I carry on with weights? Doing 5 days like a 20 min sesh 10-30lbs.

    This is all kinda pointless really since my body has no interest in beginning to cycle so maybe I’ll continue with my current eating plan maybe drop a few more lbs of fat and revisit again in a few weeks. I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DOOOOO

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; July 15th, 2022 at 07:16 PM.

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  9. #7
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    Yes, most of our blue mamas are not heavy or rail thin, but in between. You don't need to gain that much to have a boy!

    That could absolutely be! But again, if you're not hungry it's likely your blood sugar is still up anyway. Fruit, oats, and beans for carbs is fine.

    I actually 'cheated' on my kid spacing. We had our first two boys when we were super young, then when they were teens I got baby fever and we had the three little ones. So my oldest was actually older than I was when I had him, when I got pregnant with my daughter. So the older boys were a great help with the little ones. I don't know how some of the ladies on here manage with 5 under 8 or whatever - I am barely hanging on as it is some days!

    Yes I'd absolutely continue with weights, that's a good amount of exercise.

    Keep in mind that if you continue losing weight your cycle will likely take longer to come back. So it may be that you should just sit here and see if things start moving again!
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  10. #8
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    Balls and other things

    I’m mega worrying about my husband. He isn’t doing anything not boy friendly but I’m working out getting toned and he does *some* weights like 2/3 times week max and he does eat lots of veggies and meat , no coffee only tea and does take his omega, MOaD and probiotic but he has an occasional beer like maybe once every week or two and also will only drink almond milk, like a big glass every night…

    We are supposed to get some blood work and food allergy testing done just to check everything so I want to see where he’s at. Plus he was in a hot tub the other day, I sneakily turned the heat down… I just want to cut of his nuts and keep them safe in a little cool pouch.

    He also went on a little bike ride with the kids tonight… I could kill him! But I need him, unfortunately.

    Oh that’s a good idea to hold steady! I’ll do that while simultaneously feeding my baby a bit more food. She’s 1 in a week so I’d really like to get her down to like morning/ nap / bed nursing and that schedule is usually when I get my cycle back. Right now I had her every 2 hours as much as possible so I wouldn’t ovulate while cutting cals!

    What’s the deal with protein? Should I keep the gelatin and whey casein powder?Or trade for yogurt? I got yogurt just in case.

    I wish I could have a mini atomic on my counter to check all my food choices and timing how utterly ridiculous is that?

    Is the stressing about the sway in particular the blue magic or just anything that takes lots of mega focus and ocd type activity? I have both bases covered just in case!

    I want my boys (assuming I get a boy) to be close in age and my son will be 4 in March so I’m kinda on a self induced time crunch though I don know if a few more months would give me a better chance. I’d rather wait a few months than get a girl and it be several more years. I need that crystal ball to get out of the shop asap!

    You absolutely did not cheat. I think you have it harder actually bc you have kids in 2 different categories of life. I have family with a bunch of young ones close together and also spacing like yours and it’s much harder to have the mega spacing. Bc you’re trying to be a teen parent and a newborn parent. It’s not like everyone goes to bed at 7 and has a nap.

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    Last edited by Thefinalcountdown; July 16th, 2022 at 08:41 PM.

  11. #9
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    Hey, hey - you can't worry about stuff like this. These things are MINOR. Trust me, your husband is doing just great!

    The almond milk is more a thing for you than for him. We got my 3rd and 4th boy with my husband having that level (or even more) beer intake. And if he was biking for hours a day, maybe, but just a toodle around with the kids is not a biggie - that's just life!

    Re the protein - the truth is we just don't KNOW enough to know for sure. My gut instinct is that real food is better, though I support the use of protein powder for people who really just can't eat enough protein (since girl moms are oftentimes very light eaters). But you're such a good eater, and so diligent about all this, I'm inclined to think that the protein powder is overkill for you and not necessary. You're ok to continue if you want, but in terms of blue swayers who got it dialed in, you got this!

    Wanting me to check everything is of course a great sign for blue! Yes, being highly anxious about every detail of the sway, thinking about it a lot, worrying about lots of different case scenarios is something that I overwhelmingly see among women who have many boys. I can't say for sure what specifically the magic is, just that it's a very VERY very strong trend that way.

    I got my 4th boy with a fast turnaround, and several of our blue swayers have succeeded with close age gaps. Above all else I want you guys to do what is best for you and your family. That having been said, my 4th boy and my daughter are the best of friends and it's actually my 3rd who's sort of the odd man out (he hangs more with the adults anyway so it's not as sad as it sounds) so u just never know how it will work out. It could very well be your son stays more bonded with his sisters!
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