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  1. #1
    Big Dreamer

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    Atomic, advice wanted please!!!!

    Hi, following on frm my previous thread about vitex or saw palmetto ive finally found the website in which i bought those 'womens support' supps which i mentioned to you that i used when ttc my daughter. I am unable to post the link to the site as im am clueless. However i would v very much appreciate if you would take a look at the ingredients and give me your opinions of them please. Many thanks.

    Website is vitabase. They are called womens support and they are actually supps for menopause. I took them frm AF-O the month i conceived my daughter and they were recommended to me by someone on ig. Ingredients are - soy isoflavones, black cohosh, donq quai, licorice extract, VITEX 100mg, red clother, sage extract, false unicorn, squaw vine, blessed thistle, red raspberry extract and mexican wild yam.

    Never realised they contained vitex! Your help is very much appreciated as always x

    brand new. Successful girl sway. Thankyou so very much Atomic for all your wonderful advice.

  2. #2
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    atomic sagebrush's Avatar
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    The interesting thing about these vitamins is that they contain some herbs that are commonly believed to sway blue because they raise estrogen.

    Black cohosh, dong quai, false unicorn, and soy are all from the TTC boy FAQ and I think (not looking them up right now because I have a lot of q's to get through but I will come back to it) a few of the others are also believed to sway blue. Licorice and vitex are believed to sway blue.

    BUT I think something that has been proven to work for you, carries more weight than all the theoretical ideas about swaying that may or may not even be true.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks for your reply Atomic. Its scary! Yes i too was suprised when i read the ingredients. Yes, the majority of them are supposed to sway blue. If i had known that then i probably would have NEVER considered taking them. This is why im reluctant to use them again. What if my hormones have changed, as it was 4 yrs ago and by taking this supplement this time i may be swaying hardcore boy. I remember that i only took this supp for the month that i conceived so maybe it didnt give it enough time to have much effect on my hormones. Also if i used it this time and it took mths to conceive than the supplement would have more time to change things and possibly sway boy. kwim. I just cant make decisions! Isnt that a sign of low testosterone?ha ha.

    Something positive which has come out of all this is that they actually contained vitex so i will definitely be giving it a try now. Mayb at a lower dose as im scared of conceiving twins and frm the womens support supps i was obviously only taking 200mg AF-O. Also as you mention that licorice sways pink by lowering testosterone is there a possible supplement i could take of licorice extract? That way i would be taking the two ingredients that were in the womens support supps which both possibly sway girl and may have contributed to me conceiving my daughter. Sorry if im going on. ha ha. i do appreciate it x

    brand new. Successful girl sway. Thankyou so very much Atomic for all your wonderful advice.

  4. #4
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    Maybe i wont bother with licorice extract as ive just read it increases estrogen in women. I cant believe how many of the ingredients in that supplement help to raise estrogen. What was i thinking!!! They must of cancelled out that small dosage of vitex. Now i am confused. Does high estrogen really sway boy???

    brand new. Successful girl sway. Thankyou so very much Atomic for all your wonderful advice.

  5. #5
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    The licorice does seem to have the potential to raise estrogen levels.

    Here's the tricky bit - we don't KNOW if estrogen sways boy. There are a handful of studies that indicates maybe it does but at the same time, higher estrogen often goes along with other things that sway blue like higher testosterone and high blood sugar. It is VERY hard to separate out all these factors and really know what sways and how it sways, and what things we can safely take to alter that, because no one is studying it, it's too politically incorrect.

    Licorice really does lower testosterone and testosterone has a lot more evidence supporting it, so it seems like licorice could potentially be useful (and it is for sure useful for DH). Lindi found some studies about licorice and white peony which is in a Chinese herbal medicine that is given to women with PCOS and have high testosterone and estrogen and she was convinced enough to take it (although she ended up going HT instead).

    Low estrogen is one very real reason why women have a hard time conceiving so it makes sense that those herbs would be included in the formula.

    If it was my sway, I would prob. just stick with vitex but if I was in an experimental mood and didn't care that much about gender, I'd give licorice a try.
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  6. #6
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    Atomic, thankyou so much for your reply. I truely respect your opinions. Yes i agree Vitex is the way to go as i dont want to take any risks. In fact im now on my second day of taking it (on day 2 of my cycle). Im taking a good brand named Blackmores. It recommends taking three 660mg tabs daily, however ive just been taking one daily. Do you think 660mg is enough. Will experiment anyway and see what it does to my BBT and cycle. Will let you how how i get on. Thanx

    brand new. Successful girl sway. Thankyou so very much Atomic for all your wonderful advice.

  7. #7
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    I would take one of those in the morning and one at night at the very least. The capsules that I have are 400 mg and I take one in the morning and one at night (and i'm not swaying, I'm experimenting to see if I can get AF back while breastfeeding). THe dosage on my bottle says it is safe to take up to 3 times that much!
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