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  1. #1
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    Back and prepairing second sway

    Hi atomic and everyone else,

    after giving birth to my DS3 in Dec 2018, who is literally the missing link of our family, that we just didn't know we were missing, I still can't get the thought of a fourth child and swaying again for a girl out of my head. My first sway was quite strong, I think (diet, excercise, one attempt, femara, coffee), so I'm thinking about what else I could add:

    Is there any point in continuing to breastfeed until ttc? I just got my cycle back and interestingly AF is very light now. After the birth of DS1 and 2 it was quite heavy and only got lighter while swaying for DC3. Maybe that has to do with breastfeeding, so that there could be quite a strong impact on my hormones?

    I will be almost 39 when we will possibly ttc. Last time I took femara so now I'm thinking about trying clomid. Would that be okay inspite of my age? I somehow have the feeling, femara sways best for PCOSlers, could that be a thing?

    What are the latest recommendations about OLE, should I try to persuade DH to take it this time? Or is it still not really clear if it does anything?

    Thanks in advance for answering my questions. It somehow feels good to be back lol

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  2. #2
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    I believe breastfeeding sways pink and if it's something you enjoy then I always recommend continuing if you'd like.

    At 39 I prefer Femara because Clomid can raise FSH and mess with your egg quality. Femara was shown in a study to actually be better than Clomid for swaying pink so I don't think that was what caused you to get a boy. That having been said we don't have adequate safety data on Femara while breastfeeding. Now personally, I don't think anything you take for 5 days and then stop taking could cause any harm in breastfeeding, just that it's less studied than Clomid (the studies that have been done are in Femara for cancer patients who take it for long periods of time, not for only 5 days)

    I don't think approaching your sway with the attitude that you did something "wrong" or that you were lacking anything is the correct one. The fact is if any of this stuff could ever be 100% the entire human race would have died out a long time ago. There is and always will be an element of luck involved in swaying that seems to make opposites 25-30% of the time and so it very well may be you had the best possible sway and just fell into the opposites. Swaying is truly one of the things in life you can do the same thing twice and get a different outcome.

    I do always have my moms who got opposites to go onto the alternate diet, so if you weren't on that before, please go onto it now.

    OLE - I'm still not convinced it's doing anything. UP to you.

    It's nice to have you back, and huge congrats on DS 3!!!
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  3. #3
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    Thank you for your answer atomic! I will continue breastfeeding for a while and see what time brings.

    I did the pcos version of LE diet last time and will definitely do it this time as well. I never had gestational diabetes "officially", but DS 2 had a birth weight of more than 10 lbs and with DS3 I had repeated glucose tolerance tests because of that, which were borderline too high from week 34. So I seem to be prone to blood sugar issues. Would you recommend myo-inositol in my case? I would take it for swaying only, I never had any problems with my cycle or getting pregnant.

    At least in the past I had very regular cycles. This is my first cycle pp an I just had spotting from CD13-CD15, when I would normally expect my opk to turn positive. I never had spotting midcycle. I did see some EWCM, but now it's CD18 and still no positive opk. I hope this is due to breastfeeding, or could this be a sign of menopause approaching?

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  4. #4
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    Please do not jump right to the "m" word (menopause) when you have cycle weirdness. I have people worry about this constantly and I can count on one hand the number of people who actually were having perimenopause (which can go on years during which you can still conceive) or POF. It is normal to have weird cycles postpartum especially when

    While I normally hesitate for you to take myo when breastfeeding, your baby is over a year old now and it's probably ok. I would only have you take 500 mg daily from AF-O and then every other day O-AF.

    Yes absolutely I want you on that alt. diet still!! Do be sure you're starting off on upper level calories 1800-2000!
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  5. #5
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    Thank you atomic! I will get some blood work done next month because I also have some sleeping issues. But I also think it's by far more likely that the cycle weirdness is due to breastfeeding than due to menopause.

    Atm I have a longer cycle with EWCM every now and then and OPKs turning almost positive and then negative again for several days. I think my body is ramping up to o, but then decides it's better not to o. Do you think this sways in any way? I read that EWCM means that a lot of estrogen is present. So I thought several phases of EWCM in one cycle might mean especially high exposure of the egg to estrogen and thus sway blue?

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  6. #6
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    Yes that's exactly what many of us myself included have noticed when breastfeeding. We call those "practice cycles"

    We do not think that means your egg is getting exposed to high levels of estrogen. In fact, these practice cycles often occur because there is NOT ENOUGH estrogen to complete ovulation. There is no data that indicates practice cycles sway blue in any way, and so many women get girls with strange and irregular cycles due to breastfeeding or cutting back too far on food that there is no way practice cycles are swaying blue.
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  7. Thanks Verena thanked for this post
  8. #7
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    Hi atomic, I have one more question. Are cereals/mueslis a no-no on LE diet? I read that cereals might sway blue. I have an organic whole grain spelt muesli mix that I really enjoy. It's not fortified or enriched with vitamins, only different kind of spelt flakes and a small amount of chocolate, resulting in 7.2 g/100 g sugar. Would that amount of sugar be okay on pcos diet, if I eat ~120 g a day?

    Thank you so much in advance! :-)

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  9. #8
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    And another question. If I have milk with a meal, is semi-skimmed okay then? The meal would contain fat. For my coffee, that I don't have with meals, I would use full fat milk.

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  10. #9
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    We assume that the reason cereal was found to sway blue in one study was because it is fortified (and/or also because most people eat them as breakfast!). But the truth is we don't KNOW it for a fact, and so most people skip even fortified cereals. But I do think the non-fortified ones are probably fine for most people.

    As long as you don't have moderate to severe PCOS and are on the alternate diet more as a preventative it's also likely fine. If you do have more severe PCOS it may be too carby but you can still have it as an occasional cheat.

    If you are on the PCOS-type diet you must have full fat dairy ONLY. No semi-skimmed dairy. Skim and part skim dairy is terrible for blood sugar.
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  11. Thanks Verena thanked for this post
  12. #10
    Big Dreamer

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    Hi atomic, can I please have your advice again? I knew blood sugar might be an issue for me, since DS2 had a birth weight of more than 10 lbs and I had a borderline too high glucose tolerance test at 36 weeks in my pregnancy with DS3. After he was born, I wasn't tested any further, although I know it's recommended. In the last weeks I often felt dizzy and shaky after my meals, especially lunch, which is my first meal each day. I checked blood sugar and it was 160, once even 180. I had eaten 170 g / 0,37 lbs of whole grain pasta, which is a lot of carbs for one meal, but I think for my health I shouldn't eat that many carbs anymore. I'll also go and see my doc of course.

    My question is, what does this mean for my sway? I have started to eat full fat yoghurt for lunch, which I tolerate well, but of course I'm over the limits for fat and prot. I have to eat like 1.5 cups of yoghurt with a muesli mix containing wholgrain spelt and nuts to get enough calories. Most days I'm between 70-80 g for prot and 60-70 g for fat. Is this still swaying at all?

    Can I ask you for your general thoughts on how high blood sugar sways blue? Is it better to avoid peaks in blood sugar or to have a higher blood sugar after meals but low blood sugar in between? If I eat something that contains a little bit of sugar (like 10 grams in one meal) and my blood sugar stays in a good range, is it okay to eat that sugar or does it influence my blood sugar (and thus my sway) in a different negative way, that is not seen immediately?

    I have one meal at 11:30 a.m. and one at 5:30 p.m., sometimes a third one in the afternoon. Most of the time my blood sugar is very low. I know you probably don't have the data to tell me what blood sugar is "okay" for swaying, but maybe you can give me an estimation?

    I'm consuming so much dairy atm, 1.5 cups yoghurt and around 2 cups whole fat milk. I know dairy is not recommended for swaying, but I really find it hard to find something else to eat that I like, that isn't too carby and that doesn't make my blood sugar rise too much. Has anyone eaten that much dairy and gotten a girl anyways? I don't tolerate potatoes at all for example, such a pity :-( I'm also vegetarian, so I don't have that many choices...

    In general I'm eating and have always eaten very healthy, no sweets, no soft drinks, not even juices, bmi is 23,7, so not way too high. I don't understand why I have those blood sugar issues...

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